Could someone tell me how the next phrases should be translated in Russian: "What he says" and "What does he say". I suspect they all should be translated as "Что он говорит?". But the first sentence is not a question and the second sentence is one.

I've been listening a VOA's podcast about the elections in the US. Here's the link: http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-01-22-voa7.cfm I was not able to write down Obama's words as I didn't highlight any words in your speech ( http://learning-eng2.narod.ru/flakus_de ... debate.mp3 ) until I saw the transcript. All I've heard was the following:
Clinton: He's not.
Obama: <???> I can't tell the one my against some tems up

I really don't hear all the words typed in a source of the article. So do these words really exist in his speech? Do you hear them clearly?.. Or what do you hear when you're listening an audio-file?.. It would be very interesting to know that. Give me your thoughts!