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Thread: through

  1. #1
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    Мог бы кто-нибудь перевести это предложение:

    I've been through your sentences, ...

    Я не нашел подходящего зачения для through. Может быть, у вас есть какие-нибудь идеи на этот счет, huh ?

  2. #2
    Властелин wanja's Avatar
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    Если верить Lingvo:
    be through 1) заканчивать I don't want anything more to do with you, we're through. — Я больше не хочу иметь с Вами никаких дел, мы закончили. When you're through with that book, will you lend it to me? — Когда прочитаешь эту книгу, дашь мне почитать? I'm through with living in this cold place! — Хватит с меня житья в этом холоде! 2) связаться по телефону
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  3. #3
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: through

    Quote Originally Posted by Xkalibur
    Мог бы кто-нибудь перевести это предложение:

    I've been through your sentences, ...

    Я не нашел подходящего зачения для through. Может быть, у вас есть какие-нибудь идеи на этот счет, huh ?
    Может быть, я внимательно изучил/проработал твои изречения... если, конечно, речь не идёт о приговорах суда.
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by wanja
    Если верить Lingvo:
    be through 1) заканчивать I don't want anything more to do with you, we're through. — Я больше не хочу иметь с Вами никаких дел, мы закончили. When you're through with that book, will you lend it to me? — Когда прочитаешь эту книгу, дашь мне почитать? I'm through with living in this cold place! — Хватит с меня житья в этом холоде! 2) связаться по телефону
    No, this is not the meaning.

    In this context, "I've been through your sentences" = "I've read (through) your sentences".

    If you put the word 'through' after certain verbs it adds the notion of completion to the sentence.

    E.g. I read the book = я читал / прочитал книгу.
    I read through the book = Я прочитал книгу.
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  5. #5
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Xkalibur, вы неправильно употребили слово huh? Оно не подходит в таком контексте. Передает смысл антагонизма, враждебности.

  6. #6
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaika
    Xkalibur, вы неправильно употребили слово huh? Оно не подходит в таком контексте. Передает смысл антагонизма, враждебности.
    I'd say "Заключает в себе (or несет в себе) антагонизм, враждебность".

    Now, would "eh" instead of "huh" be appropriate there?
    Please correct my mistakes if you can, especially article usage.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaika
    Xkalibur, вы неправильно употребили слово huh? Оно не подходит в таком контексте. Передает смысл антагонизма, враждебности.
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  8. #8
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    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  9. #9
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    I think 'huh' is fine there.
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  10. #10
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    I translated what he wrote as
    Maybe you have some ideas about this, huh?
    Do you have any ideas about this, huh?
    And "huh" fits neither one, IMO. I could see "eh" in the first version, but nothing in the second. How do you translate that sentence, TATY?

  11. #11
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    I think the blank after 'huh' isn't fine there.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaika
    I translated what he wrote as
    Maybe you have some ideas about this, huh?
    Do you have any ideas about this, huh?
    And "huh" fits neither one, IMO. I could see "eh" in the first version, but nothing in the second. How do you translate that sentence, TATY?
    The "huh?" is tag on the end to turn a statement into a question. Therefore it works in your first translations, as "Maybe you have some ideas about this", is a statement, it has no question words. The intonation and use of "huh" turns it into a question.

    E.g. You like that. = statemens
    You like that, huh? = question.

    IMO "huh" here could be like "yeh?"

    It wouldn't fit in your second sentence, as it begins "Do you" which means the sentence is already a question.
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  13. #13
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    Oh shut up (Edited back in. S.

    "Maybe you have some ideas about this?" has a question mark that changes it from a statement to a question. In speech, this would be indicated by rising intonation. There is no sentence in the world that requires or is improved by adding "huh?" onto the end, unless you are 12 years old and educationally subnormal.


    *Sorry L, but you've got to be kidding me. I've never questioned any of your nicey-nicey sanitising edits before, but if I can't prod Tatu with an inoffensive and friendly little "oh shut up" now and again (or him me, for that matter), then I'll be out of here.

  14. #14
    Почтенный гражданин
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    It's all about intonation. You could add "huh" to the end of a sentence, and it could have any number of meanings depending on *how* you say it.

    As scotcher says, it's not necessary, and so is better left out of written speech unless the meaning is completely unambiguous.

    Colloquialisms are just about the most difficult thing to perfect in learning a foreign language -- let alone trying to use them on the internet where facial expression and tone of voice are impossible to perceive.
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  15. #15
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Thanks, scotcher. Always grateful for your erudition here.

    say, what's with the S. and L.? Dualing keyboards between moderators? L. must thing she's a tough gal, huh?

    Well, TATY, all I can say is that "huh" does not sound good to me in that sentence. I speak American English out here in the boondocks of Чапелхилловка. What version do you speak in Seventh?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotcher
    Oh shut up (Edited back in. S.

    "Maybe you have some ideas about this?" has a question mark that changes it from a statement to a question. In speech, this would be indicated by rising intonation. There is no sentence in the world that requires or is improved by adding "huh?" onto the end, unless you are 12 years old and educationally subnormal.


    *Sorry L, but you've got to be kidding me. I've never questioned any of your nicey-nicey sanitising edits before, but if I can't prod Tatu with an inoffensive and friendly little "oh shut up" now and again (or him me, for that matter), then I'll be out of here.
    Well you can say that "isn't it", "don't you", and all other question tags are redundant as a simple rising intonation + ? is sufficicient. Of course the rising intonation denotes a question, but the bit at the end of the question; the "isn't it", "don't you", "haven't you" etc., is part of what makes English, English.

    You like Tennis?
    You like Tennis, don't you?

    You can't say either one is better, they both convey a different nuance. "Huh" is no different.

    And Scotcher, weren't you one of the people who disagreed with me when I made the "Censorship is too strict on MR" poll? Really, I think Lampada is taking censorship too far on these forums, and ruining any sort of debate. Posters can't even make mildly passionate responses , as anything seen to be offensive (which in L's case is practically everything) is editted out. We're not kids; and even kids aren't going to run off crying because someone has called them stupid on the internet.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Quote Originally Posted by scotcher
    Oh shut up (Edited back in. S.

    "Maybe you have some ideas about this?" has a question mark that changes it from a statement to a question. In speech, this would be indicated by rising intonation. There is no sentence in the world that requires or is improved by adding "huh?" onto the end, unless you are 12 years old and educationally subnormal.


    *Sorry L, but you've got to be kidding me. I've never questioned any of your nicey-nicey sanitising edits before, but if I can't prod Tatu with an inoffensive and friendly little "oh shut up" now and again (or him me, for that matter), then I'll be out of here.
    Well you can say that "isn't it", "don't you", and all other question tags are redundant as a simple rising intonation + ? is sufficicient. Of course the rising intonation denotes a question, but the bit at the end of the question; the "isn't it", "don't you", "haven't you" etc., is part of what makes English, English.

    You like Tennis?
    You like Tennis, don't you?

    You can't say either one is better, they both convey a different nuance. "Huh" is no different.
    You reckon? I would say that the example of "don't you" is literate, and the one with "huh" isn't, but that's a matter of personal taste.

    Anyway, that is not what you said in your earlier post, and not what I was disagreeing with. What you said was:

    The "huh?" is tag on the end to turn a statement into a question. Therefore it works in your first translations, as "Maybe you have some ideas about this", is a statement, it has no question words. The intonation and use of "huh" turns it into a question.
    Which is plainly nonsense.

    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    And Scotcher, weren't you one of the people who disagreed with me when I made the "Censorship is too strict on MR" poll? Really, I think Lampada is taking censorship too far on these forums, and ruining any sort of debate. Posters can't even make mildly passionate responses , as anything seen to be offensive (which in L's case is practically everything) is editted out. We're not kids; and even kids aren't going to run off crying because someone has called them stupid on the internet.
    No, I don't think it was me who disagreed with you, I don't actually remember commenting on it either way.

    I don't think Lampada is ruining anything though, I think she does a pretty good job of keeping this place civil. It's much better now than it was when there was no moderation at all. Very, very occassionally she might go a bit far, that's all.

  18. #18
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotcher
    ...I don't think Lampada is ruining anything though, I think she does a pretty good job of keeping this place civil. It's much better now than it was when there was no moderation at all. Very, very occassionally she might go a bit far, that's all.
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  19. #19
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    I think the Russian interjection 'a?' means just a question with some hope for help here. It doesn't bear any disrespect. I am sure, Matroshkin Kot is right when he says about intonation. And if (which I don't know) the written 'huh' means some other attitude than that then chaika was right saying that xcalibur had used the word 'huh' incorrectly.

    P.S. And - even if Lampada really overdoes things a little now an then we all can spare her these little lapses for her doing a very good job as a moderator in general.
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  20. #20
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    ...P.S. And - even if Lampada really overdoes things a little now an then we all can spare her these little lapses for her doing a very good job as a moderator in general.
    we can forgive her
    Ты заставляешь меня краснеть: можно просто "хорошую работу", без "очень".
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

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