How do you pronounce these abbreviations:
How do you pronounce these abbreviations:
WAP is pronounced "wapp"
Эдмунд Ричардович Вудфилд
CMY - 'see em why'
CMYK - 'see em why kay'
LAB - 'lab' or 'el ay bee', depends.
WAP - 'wap'
POP - 'pee oh pee', don't know exactly.
IMAP - 'eye map'
Army Anti-Strapjes
Nay, mats jar tripes
Jasper is my Tartan
I am a trans-Jert spy
Jerpty Samaritans
Pijams are tyrants
Jana Sperm Tit Arsy
What is CMY CMYK? Are we talking RGB 'ar gee bee' etc?
If so, then LAB is 'el ay be' and XYZ is 'ex why zed'
POP 'pop', as in 'pop music' - Point-of-Presence
When you encounter acronyms, the safest way is simply to name them off letter by letter. People will understand if you say "Eye Em Ey Pee" instead of "Eye Map." But they would have a hard time if you said "Seeah" instead of "See Eye Ey."Originally Posted by майк
BTW, Americans pronounce letter "Z" as "Zee."
Trouble is, you actually say IMAP - 'eye map'.Originally Posted by Pravit
Interesting though, how to 'explain' how to say a word. I started to use this link
but it takes a while and I saw that Jasper May had pretty much cracked it.
Yeah, but I'm saying you'll still be understood even if that's not correct.
BTW, how many people here say "Fack" and how many say "Eff Ay Cue?" I say "Fack", personally. Where's that pic I have of a Tokyo graffiti "Fack you man"?
What about JPG? "Jay-Peg" or "Jay Pee Gee?"
I'm pretty sure GIF is pronounced universally as "Jiff" though.
In my experience...Originally Posted by Pravit
FAQ = Fack (at least, that's what I imagine I would say, though I don't recall ever having had need to)
jpg/ jpeg = jaypeg
gif = gif![]()
I'll challenge you on that one. Being an internet tech myself, it will stump me at first if I ever hear people say I.M.A.P. It would cause me to pause while I spellit out in my head and realize they ment IMAP (eye-map).People will understand if you say "Eye Em Ey Pee"
POP is almost always pronounced "pop". POP3 is "pop-three"
FAQ - I say it both ways. I use F A Q sometimes and other times I'll say "fack".
JPG -- When I see it as JPG, I will say J.P.G. When I see it as jpeg, I will say it as "jay-peg". Or when I'm refering to an image I would use jpeg. I don't have any one way of saying it.
gif -- I don't recall which way I use most. I switch between "gif" and "jif" a lot. That's mostly cause I pronouce my handle 'guice' as "juice".
Them three acronyms you'll find pronouced both ways. It's really best to know them both.
As for 'Z' -- British English is 'Zed', as well as Canadian english. American English is 'Zee'. Not to hard. You'll never hear it called "zed" within the US ever, unless you're speaking to a Canadian, Brit, or somebody from Aussy/NZ. But then you'll notice a bit more than just "Z" will be pronounced a bit different.![]()
True, you would probably be stumped for a while, but you'd figure it out eventuallyBut to get back to my previous example, it'd take you much longer to realize "Seeah" meant "CIA" or "Abs" meant "ABS"(as in Anti-lock Brake System).
@Pravit: Here tis:
Army Anti-Strapjes
Nay, mats jar tripes
Jasper is my Tartan
I am a trans-Jert spy
Jerpty Samaritans
Pijams are tyrants
Jana Sperm Tit Arsy
The story continues…
How do I pronounce CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network)?
Well, since it's not a widely-used abbreviation, I'd just spell it out (see-tee-ay-en), though you could say 'see-tan' as well.
Army Anti-Strapjes
Nay, mats jar tripes
Jasper is my Tartan
I am a trans-Jert spy
Jerpty Samaritans
Pijams are tyrants
Jana Sperm Tit Arsy
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