Hi, friends.

There're many foreigns in our city. Generally they are from USA. You know, Sakhalin, petroleum, gas, energy and so on. =)
Very few of them can speak Russian well. And one day I thought what would it be, if I heard slang words from foreigners' lips. Would it be funny to hear? Let's say, it's a foreigner who is saying such phrases with appreciable accent: чувак / я беспощадно заточил этот бутерброд / эт че за хрень? / etc.

Then I thought: "Hm, what about the same situation in any english-speaking country?"
And I am here to ask you, how is it to hear from a foreigner with accent some constructions, for example: 3rd person with do, not does / 3rd person with are, not is / gonna, woulda, gotcha / etc.
