In all honesty we all know that the Indians you are talking about exist but in my experience they are just the "squeaky minority" and do not speak for the rest. (My experience by the way includes living with, working with everyday, basically living on a Shoshone/Paiute reservation, and working cattle with them on Indian land ( and let me tell you that "holding rodear" (look it up) with them is an experience), and being the only white guy with a bunch of Indians for miles around. And not to mention using reservation hospitals, stores and post office and such. Oh lets not forget going to town with them (usually 60 miles or more) and drinking with them (not something for the weak hearted) so don't try this at home kids!. I have lived like this from British Columbia to Arizona.
So, my Indians can whip your Indians any day, so there!
PS So if this is "far Right" . Then by your reckoning I can only conclude that most Indians are the same. But why must you always make things political?