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Thread: Merkin and seppo

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    There are lots for Germans, most originating during WWII.
    Do you use "фрицы" (from Fritz)?

    I don't think we have any for Russian. Russkis maybe. I'll try and insert "moskal" into the English language :P
    I like Russkis. I know it's supposed to be derogatory, but it's actually nice. "Moskal" on the other hand is kinda offensive.
    Russkis (pronounced Russ-keez) is not actually deragatory. Most of the time it depends on the intention of the speaker as to whether a word is derogatory or not.

    Most of the derogatory words for Russians in the English language come from the cold war, so they are all communist related, and since Russia is not a communist country anymore, they now don't really apply. Reds, Commies, etc.
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
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  2. #22
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Some of these are pretty offensive, but they're for those of you who are curious about derogatory names people toss around for different cultures, I think gRomoZeka was asking about them.

    Germans=Kraut, Fritz, Heini, Jerry

    Italians=Guinea, Wop, Greaseball


    Asians=Gook, Chink, Charlie


    African=Alligator bait, coon, ni$ger

    White people=Peckerwood, Cracker, Blue-eyed devil

    Mexicans=Beaner, wetback

    There's more that I haven't heard, I'm sure.

    And here are some of the stereotypes/associations people in America make:

    Asians= Really smart

    British= Really bad teeth; eloquent

    White people= Rich, educated

    African/Mexican-Americans= Low income, ghettos, gangs

    What are some of the stereotypes about Americans generally in the russian speaking world?

    What do russians call Americans?
    исправьте мои ошибки :P

  3. #23
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    Rusky Husky. :P
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    Rusky Husky. :P
    Шо це було?

    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Most of the derogatory words for Russians in the English language come from the cold war, ... Reds, Commies, etc.
    Hmm... Not very offensive either. More like stupid. Not everybody was a Communist, and those who were couldn't be offended by being called ones. Hehe, probably I don't get something.

    The population of the USSR was about 280 millions, and the Communist Party had about 20 millions of members in it's best times. Most of them didn't give a shit about ideology and needed this membership to propel their career.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trzeci_Wymiar
    British= Really bad teeth;

    We have another one: Brits are standoffish, polite, drink tea and always carry an umbrella or cane. I'm afraid most of this isn't true anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trzeci_Wymiar
    What are some of the stereotypes about Americans generally in the russian speaking world?
    Ok, stereotypes... The main stereotype is that Americans are extremely ignorant and arrogant in their ignorance. Many people also think that Americans are (falsely) cheerful and their smiles are so toothy, it's almost scary. Hmm, and maybe rich?
    That's all I can think of.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trzeci_Wymiar
    What do russians call Americans?

  5. #25
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Russkis (pronounced Russ-keez) is not actually deragatory. Most of the time it depends on the intention of the speaker as to whether a word is derogatory or not.

    Most of the derogatory words for Russians in the English language come from the cold war, so they are all communist related, and since Russia is not a communist country anymore, they now don't really apply. Reds, Commies, etc.
    Russki isn't derogatory in the States, either. It's more like a nickname.

    It's all in the intent, and for the most part Russian people are respected. Even the immigrants are generally regarded as hard-working, decent people.

    I remember "pinko" being used, as well, and even "commie pinko", during the cold war.

    There's also the collective name "Ivan"(eye-van), as in, "Ivan doesn't like it when we do that." That's usually referring to Russians as an opponent, though. You wouldn't call a group of people in the street "Ivan".
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    Rusky Husky. :P
    Шо це було?
    Просто срифмовано хорошо.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

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