i always take off my shoes before coming inside...

also, i am joining the US Army as an officer, everyone who is in my JROTC unit (a military type thing in highschool) knows that all this stuff about "protecting our freedom" and "every soldier is a hero protecting America" is a bunch of soccermom bullcrap. Only idiots think that Iraq can endanger our freedom, yes a small country where every household has an AK-47 and no means of attacking the US (except for those unknown WMD) can hurt us. *sarcastic eye roll*

I dont know about you, but i don't think Iraq and Al Queada would have been a serious threat to the USA or world. In conclusion, you don't need a machine gun nest in your attic window preparing for invasion because some guy with a gun and mustache doesnt like America, yet he likes our movies and music. (saddam's favorite movie is The Godfather and i read somewhere he likes Britney Spears). We go to war because we are the world's 911 rescue force, not because we think everything is a direct threat to freedom (soccer moms think that).