I run into this phrase in a text I am translating for one of my customers. Actually, this is one of the old "Beyond belief" shows hosted by J. Frakes, so maybe someone will remember the context. This particular phrase occurs in the story about that orphan guy who found a wallet of a deceased man of whom, as it turned out, he was the only heir. He says during his training session with another guy who starts complaining about being hungry and tires.

Jason (the hero of this story) retorts:
"Well, I am broke and I need a scholarship. So get that silver spoon out of your gut"

I think have an understanding, sort of, of what he wanted to say, but I an not really sure and I fail to find a good, idomatic Russian translation for it.

I think that it means something like "stop behaving like a rich guy" or "stop looking at things from viewpoint of the well-to-do", something like that.

Am I right? If not, what do you think it means?

I would also appreciate any ideas about how to translate it. Ideally, it should be something as idiomatic as the English phrase. I can't seem to find anything good.