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Thread: Children's games

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Children's games

    Hello. I'd like to know names and rules of children's games that children usually play on streets, in cars or at home. I know that there are a lot of international games like hide-and-seek or other but I still don't know their names. Please provide me with correct English names and another games you could remember and their rules. Please, feel free to correct my English.

    1. Прятки. Дети выбирают водящего, который считат до определённого числа с закрытыми глазами, пока остальные дети прячутся, а затем ищет их. Есть огромное количество разнообразных вариаций этой игры.
    Hide-and-seek. Kids select a player who closes his eyes while other kids hide somewhere. When all kids have hidden, this player tries to find them.

    2. Салки. Дети догоняют друг друга и пытаются дотронуться (осалить) до плеча. Когда игрок осален, он становится водящим и пытается догнать кого-нибудь другого из игроков и осалить его.
    Tag. Children try to touch each other. When kid is touched by other kid, he tries to run and catch another kids and touch them. Other kids run off him and try to prevent this.

    3. Города. Игрок называет город. Следующий игрок пытается назвать город, название которого начинается на последнюю букву предыдущего названного города. Например, Москва - Архангельск - Краснодар - Рязань - и т.д.
    Player says a name of a city. Next player tries to remember and say the city which name starts with the letter, last named city ends. For example, Moscow - Washington - Newcastle - and so on.

    4. Сифа. (Возможно, есть другое название.) Разновидность салок, когда игроки пытаются "осалить" друг друга, кидая маленький мяч, сокс (footbag), или другой предмет (сифу).
    This game probably isn't very popular in Russia, but I played it when I was a child. Players try to tag each other with an object. Usually an object is a small ball or a footbag. One player throws the ball and tries to hit other players while other players try to avoid it.

    5. Корова. Разновидность сифы, когда игроки пытаются осалить друг друга, пиная какой-нибудь предмет, например, шайбу, мяч и пытаясь попасть им в другого игрока. Тот, кого предмет заденет последним является водящим.
    This game is a variation of previous game, when players try to hit each other with an object by kicking it.

    6. Жмурки. Водящий завязывают глаза и он пытается поймать остальных игроков. Остальные игроки пытаются избежать этого, но в то же время производят какой-либо шум, например, зовут водящего.
    One player closes his eyes or ties a scarf over his eyes and tries to catch other players. Other players call him and try to avoid themself from being cought.

    By the way, what is the English word for вод́ящий, в́ода?

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Children's games

    Quote Originally Posted by sergey.k
    Hello. I'd like to know names and rules of children's games that children usually play on streets, in cars or at home.

    3. Города. Игрок называет город. Следующий игрок пытается назвать город, название которого начинается на последнюю букву предыдущего названного города. Например, Москва - Архангельск - Краснодар - Рязань - и т.д.
    Player says a name of a city. Next player tries to remember and say the city which name starts with the letter, last named city ends. For example, Moscow - Washington - Newcastle - and so on.

    I have played this game, but I don't remember any name for it.

    4. Сифа. (Возможно, есть другое название.) Разновидность салок, когда игроки пытаются "осалить" друг друга, кидая маленький мяч, сокс (footbag), или другой предмет (сифу).
    This game probably isn't very popular in Russia, but I played it when I was a child. Players try to tag each other with an object. Usually an object is a small ball or a footbag. One player throws the ball and tries to hit other players while other players try to avoid it.

    Dodgeball. I think the rules are a bit different in the US than the game you describe. It is played with two teams. If a player is hit by a ball he has to go off to the side. If the player catches the ball, then the person who threw it has to go off to the side.

    5. Корова. Разновидность сифы, когда игроки пытаются осалить друг друга, пиная какой-нибудь предмет, например, шайбу, мяч и пытаясь попасть им в другого игрока. Тот, кого предмет заденет последним является водящим.
    This game is a variation of the previous game, when players try to hit each other with an object by kicking it.

    I don't think I've played this or seen it here.

    6. Жмурки. Водящий завязывают глаза и он пытается поймать остальных игроков. Остальные игроки пытаются избежать этого, но в то же время производят какой-либо шум, например, зовут водящего.
    One player closes his eyes or ties a scarf over his eyes and tries to catch other players. Other players call him and try to avoid being caught themselves.

    The most common version of this I see is a game called Marco Polo. It is only played in water. The player who has the blindfold yells "Marco!" and all the others yell "Polo!". This blindfolded player has to try to catch someone else by hearing and following the sound.
    By the way, what is the English word for вод́ящий, в́ода?

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Children's games

    What about "Red Rover Red Rover?"

    The immediate goal for the person called is to run to the other line and break the chain (formed by the linking of hands). If the person called fails to break the chain, this player joins the team which called "Red rover." However, if the player successfully breaks the chain, this player may take his/her pick of either of the two "links" broken by his/her successful jaunt. This unfortunate broken link then joins the team that had been called out. The other team then enjoys the opportunity and challenge of calling out "Red rover" for a player on the first team, and so on.

    The distance between the two lines is also subject to variation, but tends to fall within about 30 feet.
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  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин Martin Miles's Avatar
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    Re: Children's games

    "Жмурки" is called Blindman's Buff in English or Blindman's Bluff by Americans.

    Another outdoors children's game is Hopscotch. It's difficult to describe if you have never seen it played so I suggest you google the term. It's a game for girls.

    There is also Red Light. A child who has to be caught (touched) by the others stands some distance in front of them. He turns his back to them and says: Red light, green light, one, two, three. While he is saying this, the other children advance towards him step by step. He then spins around and identifies whomever he sees moving. That person is out of the game. The person who eventually catches the 'speaker' becomes the new person to be caught.
    Девушка - лoвушка.

    Пожалуйста, кто-то скажи мне, есть ли ошибки где-то.

  5. #5
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    Re: Children's games

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Miles
    Another outdoors children's game is Hopscotch. It's difficult to describe if you have never seen it played so I suggest you google the term. It's a game for girls.
    В Росси эта игра называется Классики.
    Все в этом мире относительно. К примеру, длина минуты зависит от того, с какой стороны двери туалета вы находитесь.

  6. #6
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    Re: Children's games

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    What about "Red Rover Red Rover?"

    The immediate goal for the person called is to run to the other line and break the chain (formed by the linking of hands). If the person called fails to break the chain, this player joins the team which called "Red rover." However, if the player successfully breaks the chain, this player may take his/her pick of either of the two "links" broken by his/her successful jaunt. This unfortunate broken link then joins the team that had been called out. The other team then enjoys the opportunity and challenge of calling out "Red rover" for a player on the first team, and so on.

    The distance between the two lines is also subject to variation, but tends to fall within about 30 feet.
    It's "boyars" ("бояре"). I don't think it's very popular. I personally played it one or two times when I was a kid. In Russian variant the commands are supposed to sing a pretty long song before a person would try to break the chain: (in Russian, sorry)
    Налево пойдёшь - коня потеряешь, направо пойдёшь - сам голову сложишь.
    Прямой путь не предлагать!

  7. #7
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: Children's games

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Miles
    There is also Red Light. A child who has to be caught (touched) by the others stands some distance in front of them. He turns his back to them and says: Red light, green light, one, two, three. While he is saying this, the other children advance towards him step by step. He then spins around and identifies whomever he sees moving. That person is out of the game. The person who eventually catches the 'speaker' becomes the new person to be caught.
    This game is similar to Russian "море волнуется раз".
    Also I found Wikipedia page with descriptions of some popular games here:

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