what is the difference? former - for men, latter - for both men and women?
what is the difference? former - for men, latter - for both men and women?
barber is for men and does hair and shavings
hairdresser is for both genders but mostly for women
You're right about "barber," Doomer, but I disagree about "hairdresser."
I would say that a barber has male clients; a hairdresser has female clients; and a hairstylist accepts both men and women.
Or to put it differently: A man never says "I'm going to the hairdresser", and a woman never says "I'm going to the barber". But both sexes can say, "I'm going to the hairstylist."
Also, a barber shop takes only male customers, and a beauty parlor takes only females, but a hair salon or styling salon usually takes both males and females, although some salons mainly advertise to women. And in the US, traditional male-only barbershops and female-only beauty parlors are not as common as they once were -- the trend is towards "unisex" salons where both men and women can get прически, маникюры, и педикюры.
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
There are also salons and barbers for women and men of color.
If you want to learn more about this, there is a great movie called Good Hair and you can learn all about "creamy crack"
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When people forced to make hairdos by nature of their hair it usually comes with benefits of good looking (and disadvantage to be called creamycrackhead)
Most of hairdos of African-American people I've seen here look really awesome, both sexes
But other people keep trying
There is a great story behind WHY the nail salons in both the US and Canada are run by Vietnamese. It all started with actress Tippi Hedren (best known for her roles in two Alfred Hitchcock films, The Birds and Marnie).
Vietnamese Nail Salon | A mix of luck, polish - Los Angeles Times
Vietnam's other legacy: the rise of the corner nail salon - World - CBC News
I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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