как это будет по-англ?
discrimination by nationality??
как это будет по-англ?
discrimination by nationality??
Можно сказать или "racial discrimination", или просто "racism".
P.S. - Исправление ошибок в моих текстах на русском всегда приветствуется
Национальность, technically, has nothing to do with race. For example, я - китаец американской национальности.
Right, of course, but that's not how we describe the same idea in English, is it?
P.S. - Исправление ошибок в моих текстах на русском всегда приветствуется
You cannot say so in Russian. You are eitherOriginally Posted by Pravit
Китаец с американским гражданством
Американец китайского происхождения
Национальность and nationality(гражданство, подданство) - это две большие разницы![]()
It's like sympathy and симпатия; aspirant and аспирант; magazine and магазин.
In English you'd have to use the more general word 'xenophobia', since 'nationality' doesn't mean the same thing as 'Национальность'. In fact, we don't really have any word to represent the Russian concept of Национальность.
What's that Latin thing you say when you've made an embarassing error? Anyhow, I looked up национальность in большой толковый словарь Ушакова. It means belonging to a нация, which is defined as such:
1. Исторически сложившаяся часть человечества, объединенная устойчивой общностью языка, территории, экономической жизни и культуры.
Hrhrmrmm...so it does not really have to do with race alone, but it is not like our English definition of "nationality" which basically means "posessing citizenship of a certain country." Well, I suppose you learn something every day![]()
mea culpa
or tua culpa in this case![]()
Море удачи и дачу у моря
I thought of that, but doesn't that mean something like "my bad" as opposed to "I have made a serious blunder which I will weep about at night when nobody's looking"?
Well, in that case - my bad.![]()
Море удачи и дачу у моря
That's what is strange to me because I don't think "our concept" is bizarre.Originally Posted by scotcher
To me the most important things to identify "кто есть who" are язык и культура, not blood and race.Originally Posted by Pravit
Если человек, родной язык которого французкий и который был воспитан во французкой культуре вдруг переедет в Англию и примет английское гражданство then what nationality would he be? What nationality are legal immigrants from India and Pakistan in Great Britain? I think (within the framework of our "Russian concept") they are not British, maybe their children will be British though. If they will be assimilated.
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