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Your ideal holiday resort
An ideal holiday resort for me is my village Sogratl. Although
the road to
my village is long and exhausting, usually I am anticipating/
I am looking forward to my arrival/
when I will get there. Sogratl is an irreplacable/
excellant place for rest, because of
pollution free/
because of fresh air, spring water,
and amicable/
friendly people. O
ne more thing going for this type of holiday resort is physical training. Every person who live
s in
my village is charged/
exercised by hard
physical work. It's particularly important for town
city people, like me, that ha
ve a lack of physical work and are loaded/
weighed down by mental work.
a place that unites people sparsed/
scattered through
out all Russia/
people from all over Russia, but
who have common roots. That's why Sogratl is
an ideal holiday resort.