I can see you took my permission to drivel on. Good boy.Quote:
Originally Posted by BETEP
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I can see you took my permission to drivel on. Good boy.Quote:
Originally Posted by BETEP
Nice pictures but your evidence is not enough for VM because you can use PhotoShop. :D
I had a login and password long before your "permission". :lol:Quote:
Originally Posted by bad manners
By Russian standards that is a bit on the porky side for your age. You're not fat yet, just starting out on a journey in that direction.Quote:
Originally Posted by astarz41
Those aren't very small in Russia. If you were somewhat taller for that weight... Maybe that's heredetory... If so I appologise. Profusely.Quote:
I'm 5'4 and 105lbs, I am a figure skater, and I wear size XS shirts and 0-2 sized jeans. Do you want me to not fit into any clothes?
Surprise surprise.Quote:
Because XS is as small as it gets around here.
Good Gad, how can one possibly be so insecure. I said you're not fat yet, I repeat you're not fat. Yet. One might even say that you're cute to a certain degree. Well, perhaps cute is too strong a word, cute-ish shall we say. Your face looks unusually wrinkled for your age though. Now that's what should be troubelling you, not your weight. I bet you kissed your piglet bottom cheeks goodbye many many moons ago. Those wrinkles, necotine induced I suppose? Or do you simply scrunch up your face a lot when you talk? Bad habit, that, kick it, girl. Now I'm not saying you should immidiately resort to a course of Botox injections, but I'd keep an eye on those furrows if I were you. Again, slimming a bit might be the simplest solution to your problem.Quote:
Here are some full length pictures:
http://img1.photobucket.com/albums/1...arz41/iow3.jpg left
http://img1.photobucket.com/albums/1...arz41/iow1.jpg right
P.S. Nice pictures, by the way. What kind of slum district is it in iow1.jpg ?
astarz, if it makes you feel any better:
1. vending machine has already been banned once from this site for insulting people.
2. most amusingly, he actually asked to be banned on one occasion :lol: before that - which tells you a lot about the stability of his mental state.
3. obviously you're gorgeous, you hardly need people on the internet to tell you that...
Sorry, VM, but you crack me up, if that is a "porky side" for you then what do you think Russian standards are? (some photos appreciated) Skin and bones and nothing between them? :lol: And where, pray, do you see the wrinkles on such low resolution photos?Quote:
Originally Posted by VendingMachine
Astarz41, you look great and don't pay attention to anyone.
VM's ridiculous comments on laundry habits in Russia may give us a clue to his identity;
a) he's a wealthy foreigner or "New Russian" (the only people who can afford the newest most efficient laundry machines or maids to do the laundry)
b) he really is "hot stuff" and the "babes" he "shags" are so grateful they take his dirty clothes home and wash them
c) he lives with his mother and she washes his clothes
d) he's an old perv that sits in front of his computer wearing the same clothes week after week, making up silly stories for forums
astarz, when you go to Russia nobody will be able to tell you apart from all the other cute young Russian girls here. But be careful to stay away from old lechers like VM.
*High fives VM*Quote:
Originally Posted by JB
By poking fun at people I help them overcome their psycological problems that run very deep with certain individuals on this board. I won't mention any names, waxwing, because it applies to almost anyone of you out there, even muggins here (to a much lesser degree of course, but still). My targets are people with no sense of humour, grumble guts and those who think they know all their is to know about life. I get an enornous kick out of poking fun at those who can poke fun at me in return and feel good about it.
astarzYou needn't worry about your looks at all, they are quite within the accepted norm.
Yes, if you see me - I'll be the radgie gadgie on a tricycle sporting a loincloth and a balaklava (I'm not a villain, I've got a bad case of acne) - don't approach, for pity's sake don't.Quote:
But be careful to stay away from old lechers like VM
The most common case is:Quote:
Originally Posted by JB
e) he lives with his wife and she washes his clothes
I prefer choice B
Oh I see VM, so you're a cousellor now?
Just here to help?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
btw (irrelevant but I'm just interested) what happened to your spelling? It used to be pretty good, with minor lapses during rants.. Now it seems to have totally fallen apart.
careful Waxwing! make sure all your words are spelt correctly before you take on VM.
Oh man, you really do walk into these things, don't you:Quote:
Originally Posted by waxwing
I'll tel yoo wots append to me spellin - I'm goin downa slippery slope, I stopped caring a long time ago and buggered if I ever care about it again. I just love murdering your language, dude. Language of Shakespeare, die, die, die!!!Quote:
Yes, Mr Puty, (may I call you Arthur?) I'm your marriage guidance counsellor.Quote:
Originally Posted by waxwing
Oh don't be such an asp .. everyone can tell the difference between a spelling error and a typo.
Most of the errors are trivial and mundane ('psycological' etc.), and would be fairly normal for a kid, or a poorly educated individual, but 'absail' was interesting. I think 50-80% of native speakers also screw this up. It's a modern German loan word (from 'abseilen'), and you don't get many of them to the pound. Well there's stuff like 'weltanschauung' and 'schadenfreude' but they're fairly old and only poncey people use them :)
There's abseiling and there's absailing, didn't you know? When you absail you attach a sail to your back and kind of free-fall tied to a pungee cord (a bungee that hasn't been washed for yonks) and you kind of contract your abdomen muscels to control that sail on your back. It's a new sport, very popular in Russia, about to become a massive hit in the West - it's a combination of abseiling, hang gliding, bungee jumping and yachting. I challange you to try it!
I knew I shouldn't have listened to you. I'm writing this from my hospital bed with two broken legs and three broken nails. I'm going to sue!
It's not a big deal to make mistakes which distinguish the native speakers when you have a great speach practice. For example, I could write 'exost system' instead of 'exhaust system' if I didn't read Hayes manual.Quote:
Originally Posted by waxwing
Saw washer/dryer combo machines at Gorbushka last weekend. Electalux combo machine can wash and dry 6 pounds(wet) clothes at a time, cost $700-$800. Dryer alone is special order and costs $800.
Gorbushka? But it's a smegging flea market! Go to a proper store.Quote:
Originally Posted by JB