By poking fun at people I help them overcome their psycological problems that run very deep with certain individuals on this board. I won't mention any names, waxwing, because it applies to almost anyone of you out there, even muggins here (to a much lesser degree of course, but still). My targets are people with no sense of humour, grumble guts and those who think they know all their is to know about life. I get an enornous kick out of poking fun at those who can poke fun at me in return and feel good about it.

astarzYou needn't worry about your looks at all, they are quite within the accepted norm.

But be careful to stay away from old lechers like VM
Yes, if you see me - I'll be the radgie gadgie on a tricycle sporting a loincloth and a balaklava (I'm not a villain, I've got a bad case of acne) - don't approach, for pity's sake don't.