Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
Quote Originally Posted by benace401
Rostova siad something about ОБЖ , whats that?
That's what Rtyom mentioned - basics of safe life (ОБЖ - Основы Безопасности Жизнедеятельности, sometimes it's called БЖД - Безопасность ЖизнеДеятельности). That's the most stupid subject I'v ever had (we studied it at the University too).
That's political correct name for suject we had in the USSR, which was called "military training" or smth like that. We were instructed to fall on the ground when nuclear bomb falls and learned how to use gas-mask. Later they added infomation on accident prevention and health life. But usually schoolchildren and even other teachers don't take it seriously.
In school I was also taught how to assemble and disassemble AK-47 and also how to throw a hand grenade and basics of terrain orientation.
I also remember we were told to pick an operational gas mask filter from a dead body in case ours were exhausted.

Useful skills in our times, wouldn't you say?