Russian tradition that I love (I'm not sure it is an only Russian habit): when you wish somebody "happy birthday" you always wish him someting special, personal (in Russian you not only "поздравляешь", but also "желаешь" smth). Somehow I got the idea that in Western culture you just say the words typical for the situaton (e.g. Happy birthday! Bon anniversaire!) just like when you wish "happy new year". Correct me if I'm wrong.
Russian tradition that I don't like: when you're having dinner at friends/relatives (especially relatives!) and you like some food they give it to you when you leave!

As for traditions changing I think it's normal for any country. We were once agricultural country, but we are no more (thanks to USSR industrialization). Personally I don't think it's bad. We had old traditions but we have new ones now ( New Year instead of Christmas, for example). I have no desire to be a farmer/peasant/what you call it, so I'm glad that I have the possibility to get PhD and work as a scientist

Btw, I make pancakes every Масленница and I bake пирожки about once in a month. Also I love to make квашенная капуста, and that's a nice Russian tradition too!