Originally Posted by
JJ Actually, there are no "special" russian desserts. May be "варенье" - jam, or "пряники" - spice-cakes or "печенье" - cookies?
1. No, all kinds of 'jam' ('conserve' etc.) are sold here in any supermarket.
2. No, пряники are very much like ginger bread or German 'pfeffernuessen'. There are differences, but they are not essential. Печенья так вообще всякого навалом.
However, what I've newer seen produced outside Russia is "зеф
ир". The closest thing is marshmallow, but it is much, much worse and is quite different, actually. Unfortunately, I don't think it is possible to make зефир (zephyr?) at home. A special gelling agent, agar agar, is crucial.
Another Russian (AFAIK) thing, somewhat related to зефир, is "Птичье молоко". It can be made with regular gelatine. Egg-whites, milk, gelatine and chocolate is virtaually all that you need.