Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
I don't know guys, I personally think that Russia, compared to the West, is alot more religious practicing. Communism "banned" religion (i put it in quotes!!! Don't kill me yet!), but many, especially in the villages, still praciticed their religion (mainly Russian Orthodox). I have many Russian young friends who go to church regulary.

Of course it is trending towards the West, where the young don't feel the need for religion...
What you mean trending? It would be trending if there had been a lot of people going to church once and now not so many, but the thing is there have never been many people going to church in Russia anyway and now there are certainly not as many (in per capita terms) than, for instance, in Norway, where I got the shock of my life when I saw what looked to me as crowds of church goers. In Russia hardly anyone ever goes to church, definately less that 1% of the entire population. Some funny friends you've got, kalinka, I would be hard pressed to point out anyone who goes to church at all let alone regularly. And those few who do tend to be mostly the artsy-fartsy crowd - but they don't really believe, they are there cos it's suddenly "in".

P.S. I certainly know more people who would rather shout Hare Krishna all day than go to a Russian Orthodox church.