im just curious about russian food.. i would like to know what they eat daily, and what they cook for special ocassions and etc.. basically im hoping that we all share some russian cooking tips that you guys know of..![]()
im just curious about russian food.. i would like to know what they eat daily, and what they cook for special ocassions and etc.. basically im hoping that we all share some russian cooking tips that you guys know of..![]()
ya plokha gavaryoo pa rooskee!!
Go to Santa Monica Blvd and Fairfax in Hollywood. All Russian stores, bakeries and resturants.
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
thats too far from my home place.. but i really would try to cook some russian foods, foods that russians eat daily and stuff.. anybody know any? :P
ya plokha gavaryoo pa rooskee!!
well there's alot of russian why not just type in "russian food" in Google and see what you findThen pick out what you like...
(Таня )
Daily Russian Food:
bread (every meal)
tea (every time you have friends or guests, sometimes every meal, everytime you come in from the cold outdoors)
butter brod
look on web for Russian receipe sites
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
I like your style!Originally Posted by NYgirl3
yeah i actually did that (research) but i wanted to hear what people have to say from this forum.. i kinda recognized that most of their recipies include some weird ingredient.. but thats ok, im sure il find it at the supermarket..well what do u guys think about this website?
ya plokha gavaryoo pa rooskee!!
The food choices seem to be a combo of multiple regions and ethnicities. Some look good. But remember that every area in Russia has it's own style of cooking (just like there is Cajun in one area of USA and Tex-Mex in another). And big cities like Moscow and St Petersburg have a multiethnic population and the food there is from all over the world.Also just like America, every Mom and Grandma will claim that her way of cooking soup, salad, cutlets,etc. is the REAL way to do it.![]()
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
Еще пара сайтов, включая и на русском языке --
ya plokha gavaryoo pa rooskee!!
bread - not every meal, depends on the personOriginally Posted by JB
soup - not all people would eat soup, I only eat clear soup
kasha - you've got to be kidding
pelmeni - "Daily"? Hardly. Not even once a week. In my family not even once a month. In fact, I don't remember the last time I ate them.
butter brod - what the hell is "brod"?
tea - a cuppa at 5 o'clock or thereabouts, in the morning usually coffee
all sorts of fresh veg and fruit
mineral water - Боржоми, Архыз
meat (and I mean real meat, not that pelmeni crap)
Some are vegetarians, but I didn't get to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian!
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Oh, come now, VM - whence the incredulity? Kasha is a staple.Originally Posted by VendingMachine
А если отнять еще одну?
No bugger'll eat it these days.Originally Posted by joysof
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VM you don't eat these foods because you are not Russian. Every Russian kid is raised on kasha (cooked with milk and sugar for breakfast) and pelmeni. And SORRY for the typo on the open faced sandwich (bread, butter, meat and/or cheese) the German spelling is Butter Brot.
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
Do your in-laws not ply you with it? Lucky sod.Originally Posted by VendingMachine
А если отнять еще одну?
1. Картофельное-пюре с сосисками или жареной курицой
2. Жареные кабачки (ненавижу!)
3. Макароны с мясной подливой
4. Вареники с картошкой (покупные, ессно)
5. Салат «Зимний» типа «Оливье» (картофель, яйца, мясо, лук, горошек зелёный, огурцы маринованные, майонез)
6. Салат крабовый (без крабов)
7. Блины со сгущёным молоком
8. «Тушёнка» подогретая, прямо из банки (когда жрать хочется, а готовить лень)
9. Сок апельсиновый или мультифруктовый
10. Кефир
11. Сливки
12. Мороженое
I am Russian. How many times do I have to say that?Originally Posted by JB
Stereotyping again... I grew up in Russia, not you, so don't ya go a-tellin' me what I was raised on!Every Russian kid is raised on kasha (cooked with milk and sugar for breakfast) and pelmeni.
Never mind. Ze correct shpelling is doch 'Butterbrot' - vun vort.And SORRY for the typo on the open faced sandwich (bread, butter, meat and/or cheese) the German spelling is Butter Brot.
Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask
I'm not married, ergo, I don't have any in-laws. If I was married I wouldn't let any c... ply me. I'm not like you, son.Originally Posted by joysof
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Ah yes, I had forgotten about your - ahem - gay bachelorhood. I'm not, strictly speaking, married myself, but do you never yearn for what only a long-term relationship can provide? There's a desperation manifests itself in philandering, don't you know.
Well, quite.I'm not like you, son.
А если отнять еще одну?
Of all the weirdos here you're the only one who's gay.Originally Posted by joysof
Nope. What can it provide? Can it provide pussies galore?...but do you never yearn for what only a long-term relationship can provide?
Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask
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