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Thread: My condolences

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    My condolences

    Last week, a relative of someone I know died. I found it hard to express my sympathy in Russian. That's not something you usually learn. Of course, I told her to "принимать мои соболезнования", but it sounded a bit artificial. Is this correct? What do people usually say?

    When you congratulate someone with his birthday, you usually don't say "я тебя поздравляю с Днём рождения", but simply "с Днём рождения". Is this also possible with condolences? "Мои соболезнования" or something?

    Also, in Dutch it's pretty common to wish someone "strength" (sterkte) after a loved one has passed away. Is this also done in Russia? If so, how?
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  2. #2
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    Re: My condolences

    Quote Originally Posted by Gollandski Yozh
    When you congratulate someone with his birthday, you usually don't say "я тебя поздравляю с Днём рождения", but simply "с Днём рождения". Is this also possible with condolences? "Мои соболезнования" or something?
    Yes, you are right about "Мои соболезнования". Also:
    Мои глубокие (or глубочайшие) соболезнования
    Знаю о Вашем горе и скорблю (вместе) с Вами
    Разделяю Ваше горе
    Quote Originally Posted by Gollandski Yozh
    Also, in Dutch it's pretty common to wish someone "strength" (sterkte) after a loved one has passed away. Is this also done in Russia? If so, how?
    Yes. We say "Крепитесь".
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Thanks. I hope I won't be needing these expressions any time soon, though...
    "мужчина в самом рассвете сил"

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I've seen and hear people say, "Я поздравляю (тебя) с днём рождения", besides just saying "С днём рождения"

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Евгения(Женя)
    I've seen and hear people say, "Я поздравляю (тебя) с днём рождения", besides just saying "С днём рождения"
    Those would've been foreigners learning Russian. We never say the full phrase - it may sound pompous and probably even sound sarcastic. It's nearly always с днём рожденья, с днём рожденья, Пух.
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  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    Those would've been foreigners learning Russian. We never say the full phrase - it may sound pompous and probably even sound sarcastic. It's nearly always с днём рожденья, с днём рожденья, Пух.
    Well, not exactly... In formal situations, especially when you are greeting someone much older than yourself, full phrase sounds more appropriate.
    Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I

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