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Thread: Anybody from Siberia or Sakhalin

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Anybody from Siberia or Sakhalin

    to me, these areas are "quite rural" compared to another part of Russia. I wish to hear from people from there, how does it looks like ? the physical look of the areas, etc. I'm sure that these areas has quite a lot of interesting thing. I came from rural areas too, where quite a lot of things you can't found in big city, so I believe these areas also has quite a lot of things with it .
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  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Anybody from Siberia or Sakhalin

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinczakko
    to me, these areas are "quite rural" compared to another part
    Oh yes. I'm from Siber. Here are some pics I took:

    That's my friend's mom.

    That's where we live.

    Me flipping off the camera

    Sometimes we went to the city but we don't like the crowds or the noise. Needless to say I've never gone back

    Good picture of the trees


    Hope I answered your questions! Siber is a really pretty place.
    Call to a hardware store: "I'm sure you know more about the caulk than I do...tell there a taste to the caulk?".

  3. #3
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    Wow u are really a moron you know that.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  4. #4
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    Re: Anybody from Siberia or Sakhalin

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoonMonst3r
    ... Hope I answered your questions! Siber is a really pretty place.
    I don't like to take thing in person, but you are really annoying me.

    ampa a'rrakko sihajji, nakke to silajara'ka. Mae moko ri tampakku na ku tobokko. Opunaga surang Opusera gele minang a'ra ripaui appakonjo manna mamo nakke to battu ri tampa' no tide taunna

    akkulle tonjuaka salaajara komo kau anassundala, mingkaka geleka nakke anassundala komo kau . Ampa gele mu isse' apa kupau it's coz you're an anassundala ha..ha..ha... :P mangemoko ri naraka antamakko rinjo namuuppai apa a'ramu mhuaha..ha..ha..ha...
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  5. #5
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Re: Anybody from Siberia or Sakhalin

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoonMonst3r
    Hope I answered your questions! Siber is a really pretty place.
    Tae' kutandai apa nu pau cikali. Pole tega ki', narekko to ugi'ki lo ni okkoe! . Iya' to silayarakka, narekko taniaki to ugi de'to marigaga, apa' de'to gaga niisseng :P
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  6. #6
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Re: Anybody from Siberia or Sakhalin

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoonMonst3r

    Metallica used to be the shit. Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, And Justice for All... all kicked ass. Around the Load album things started declining... Load/ReLoad still have some good songs on the albums, though.

    But S&M wasn't good at all, and let's all pretend St. Anger never happaned.



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    Plus games like Donkey Kong 1,2,3, Starfox, Pilotwings, Mario Cart, Super Mario, Super Punch Out
    Hope I answered your questions! Siber is a really pretty place.
    you're pretty easy to track d00d . Sorry for the inconvenience .
    -- Human knowledge belongs to the world --
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  7. #7
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    yea, he is really a peter pumper huh.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I love SNES!!!! You do too, Pincz? I think I'm in love. Call me baby!!!
    Call to a hardware store: "I'm sure you know more about the caulk than I do...tell there a taste to the caulk?".

  9. #9
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    Im about to call an airstrike on your as... Self.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  10. #10
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoonMonst3r
    I love SNES!!!! You do too, Pincz? I think I'm in love. Call me baby!!!
    You're just making thing worse. You are "polluting" your country's name. I don't have time to argue with a lamer like you. There are lots of Americans here, but to this date only you who behave like this. You may even don't know where Siberia and Sakhalin in the map of the world , if you do then tell me where the city of Talinn located ? let's play some geographical awareness "little helpless moonmonst3r", ha..ha...ha... . I know that this is the reason you're showing the picture of your neighbourhood :P . Do you know that Timbuktu is not located in Asia? Do you even know where Grand Teton National Park or Yellowstone National Park located ? Do you know which part of your country that's called the Hiawatha Country? Do you know that Rio Grande is one of your country's border with Mexico ? You don't know anything about geography "little helpless moonmonst3r" :P
    -- Human knowledge belongs to the world --
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  11. #11
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinczakko
    "little helpless moonmonst3r" :P
    I love role playing! In fact, that's what me & Pinzc's mom were doing the other night. But hey Pinzc, it's your turn now!
    Call to a hardware store: "I'm sure you know more about the caulk than I do...tell there a taste to the caulk?".

  12. #12
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    I'm sure that these areas has quite a lot of interesting thing.
    Well, "to each their own," right? That sort of depends on what you find interesting.

    I came from rural areas too, where quite a lot of things you can't found in big city ...
    You mean like clean air?

  13. #13
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    Hells Bells Batman

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  14. #14
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Hello Pinczakko.I know where Tallin is.Your language is quite similar to Finnish.I've been trying to learn how Estonian and Finnish grammar work, but it's quite difficult to find good books and tapes.I'm curious, Can Esotinians and Finns actually understand any of each others language?
    Yeah, I've always wondered about what Siberia is like.I do know that it has some cities, like the ones MoonMonst3r showed.I've never doubted that life in Siberian cities is just as bleak as elsewhere, and that farmers work hard for little pay.It's not always easy for a local to look outside of the harsh everyday.But, if we don't live there, we have the luxury of looking past the cynicism, and into the beauty.The HEART of it.So, we shouldn't waste that freedom by ignoring it's heart.
    MoonMonst3r, our seeing Siberia's beauty doesn't mean we're insensitive to it's hardships.
    There is so much space between the cities.The Trans-Siberian Railroad goes 1000 miles or so.I wonder how much the places on one side of Russia differ to the other.I wonder how far north you have to go before it become uninhabitable.There'd be quite a few nomadic people, I'd assume.Mongolian descendants, Unuit related peoples even.I'm guessing that the caucasians are probably settlers.Like the white-skinned Saami of Scandinavia, I'm pretty sure Russia is one of the few places where white people are actually aboriginal.Even Britain's people are mixed (between Viking and Pics).I'd like to know how much the landscape varies from region to region.I always took it for granted that above the Arctic Circle, it'd be freezing all year around.But I heard that in Scandinavia, even Iceland, it can average 30 C in summer, above the Arctic Circle.I've seen pictures; the people wear shorts and no shirts (the men anyway), and the ground is totally dry.

  15. #15
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    с. Хреновое Воронежской обл.
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    Pinczakko is from Indonesia, if I'm not wrong, and speaks the official langauge of that country as well as several tribal languages. As for Siberia, there are quite a few large cities there. Novosibirsk, anyone?

  16. #16
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Siberia

    Quote Originally Posted by brett
    Hello Pinczakko.I know where Tallin is.Your language is quite similar to Finnish.
    Bizarre. There is no reference to Finnish, Finland, Estonia, Estonian, Finno-Ugric languages or even the Baltic states anywhere in this thread.

    I've been trying to learn how Estonian and Finnish grammar work, but it's quite difficult to find good books and tapes.I'm curious, Can Esotinians and Finns actually understand any of each others language?
    Esotinians? That's one heck of a typo there

    Yeah, I've always wondered about what Siberia is like.I do know that it has some cities, like the ones MoonMonst3r showed.
    Those pictures are not of Siberia.

    There is so much space between the cities.The Trans-Siberian Railroad goes 1000 miles or so.
    Way off there. The Moscow - Vladivostok Trans-Siberian is approximately 9300km in length.
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  17. #17
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Wow, I was way off.

    Wow, I was way off.His reference to Tallin threw me, and the language he/she used on one post (though I knew it wasn't Finnish) looked similar enough to Finnish that I thought it Estonian.I attributed the absence of vowel markings to an English keyboard.I guess that's where I saw a similarity.But ha!.Indonesia.I wasn't even close.Sorry, Pinczakko.
    Yes waxwing, my '1000 miles' was just my vagueness.Wow, I knew my 1000 was an under-estimation but I wasn't game to blurt out beyond a couple thousand kilometres, as I didn't know 'for a fact' from where to where it was.And as for those photos, all cities generally look alike whether they be from Siberia or elsewhere don't they, unless they have a distinct monument of some sort.

  18. #18
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    no, that one city photo of all the buildings is of New York before 9/11/ can clearly see the 2 World Trade Center buildings in it.

  19. #19
    Почтенный гражданин russkayalove's Avatar
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    Novosibirsk, anyone?
    My boyfriend is from Novosibirsk, but he doesn't come to this forum.

  20. #20
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    I am from Siberia(the north of siberia-Yakutia).The town i come from is about 50km away from the polar circle(i don't know how it is called in english-полярный круг)Winter is 10 months a year.Usual temperature is -45-50 degrees C.But it is not so cold because there is a very low humidity.In summer can be +30 but only max for 2 weeks.This town is known for it's diamonds(that's why people still live there )And you can get there ONLY by plane or hellicopter.No trains because of eternal ice.This town is almost 3000km away from Novosibirsk(the capital of Siberia and center of russia)In Novosibirsk i was studying at the university(5 years)So what would you like to know about Siberia??

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