Quote Originally Posted by Anonymoose
I have two questions. The first question being about the Cyrillic form of my last name. My last name is spelled Grzechnik (if you are unsure of the pronunciation, type it in here and listen here: http://www.ivona.com/). The best I can come up with is "Гжехник," but I am sure you guys can correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes, your last name in Cyrillic would be Гжехник, and also you can come across another spelling, Гржехник, which is wrong as you know even better than me, bur there is a tradition in Russian, to transliterate Polish "rz" as "рж", not as just "ж".
I'm sure many of Russians will be trying to read your name (if they see it in Latin letters) as Гречник.

Quote Originally Posted by Anonymoose
My second question, which is more related to the original thread, is whether it would be insulting to Russians for me to use a patronymic form of my name if I were to go to Russia? I would also be worried as to whether it would sound unusual to native Russians. My fathers name is Sławomir, and since there is no ł sound in Russian, the Cyrillic form would be (or at least I think) Славомир. So my full name, including patronymic, would be Пётр Славомирович Гжехник (Piotr Slavomirovich Grzechnik), assuming I got my last name in correct Cyrillic form.
I think it would be great and even very pleasant, and not at all insulting, of course. We are used that foreigners don't have patronymics, but when the name sounds so much Slavic, it looks very nice and natural. Only remember that we pronounce the name Sławomir with the stress on the last syllable, and your "Russian" patronymic would be Славомирович (which sounds very nice to me, really).