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Thread: using my mastercard to buy a gift for someone in russia or ukraine?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    using my mastercard to buy a gift for someone in russia or ukraine?

    I want to buy a small gift for a friend in Moscow and a friend in Kyiv.

    Is there a way I can pay online at a store in those cities with my mastercard and they could pick up their gift? Or can you suggest another way to do this? They don't have paypal unfortunately.

    I just want to be able to buy a small new years present, like a litre of vodka or something like that, what do you suggest?

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин dtrq's Avatar
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    Most online stores accept cards and have home delivery service. I'm not sure but if I can pay in foreign stores with my VISA you should be able to pay in russian stores with your mastercard.
    If you don't know Russian try this googe search link (replace "Москва" with "Киев" for Kyiv) and then use google site translator.

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