Has anyone attended this school or one like it? http://ruslanguage.ru/index.html
If you did please let me know what you thought about it? Did you learn a lot and still have time for travel?
Has anyone attended this school or one like it? http://ruslanguage.ru/index.html
If you did please let me know what you thought about it? Did you learn a lot and still have time for travel?
I attended MGY last summer and was not impressed. Although the teachers were excellent the administration was somewhat "lost in Space" and a lot of my time was waste. I am currently at Language Link in Moscow and it is an excellent school and well run business.
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
Moscow State University is definitely a great place to be, and there are several schools offering classes. You might also consider http://www.studyrussian.com or http://www.rlcentre.com who are offering classes which are bit more expensive.
Good luck
I was there in May. It was ok, but I heard other students complaining that they were grouped too broadly, that is a wide range of abilities within one class. I know Russian pretty well already and went there to brush up speaking by taking individual lessons, so can't say anything about classes.
MGU is a depressing place, at least the building ruslangauge.ru is in. It would not be allowed to operate if it were in the US - many problems, especially with sanitation.
Travel- the school arranges various trips, don't bother with the one to Tolstoy's estate, too much sitting in a bus and nearly nothing to see out there. They did have a decent trip to Piter for a couple hundred bucks.
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