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Thread: Is Moscow and Russia in general as "safe" place

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Is Moscow and Russia in general as "safe" place

    I was in Spain and Italy this summer and our professors told us that the level of violent crimes ie murder was extremely low compared to cities in the US. Is Moscow a city in this sense where one has to watch for petty theft, but violent crimes are relatively low, and is Russia in general a safe country?

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Is Moscow and Russia in general as "safe" plac

    Quote Originally Posted by VTHokie
    I was in Spain and Italy this summer and our professors told us that the level of violent crimes ie murder was extremely low compared to cities in the US. Is Moscow a city in this sense where one has to watch for petty theft, but violent crimes are relatively low, and is Russia in general a safe country?
    Yes, it's generally safe, but beware of the bears roaming the streets of almost every city in Russia.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  3. #3
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    Re: Is Moscow and Russia in general as "safe" plac

    Quote Originally Posted by VTHokie
    I was in Spain and Italy this summer and our professors told us that the level of violent crimes ie murder was extremely low compared to cities in the US. Is Moscow a city in this sense where one has to watch for petty theft, but violent crimes are relatively low, and is Russia in general a safe country?
    The level of murders is rather high, but they are mostly so called "domestic crimes", i.e. crimes commited in drunken brawl in disfunctional families, between pals or neighboors, in the safety of their own homes (or should I say dens?).

    I believe, the chance to be killed by the stranger on the street is extremely low, almost nonexistent.

    You have a chance to lose your сell or wallet though (and probably be beaten in the process) especially if you're going to wander around potentially dangerous areas at night. (Potentially dangerous area is any dormitory suburb, especially in small cities, where teenagers are low on money and bored, and looking for an "adventure" (i.e. you )).

  4. #4
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Just like any american city, stay out of bad areas, but the police in russia wont help you like here in america. unless you bribe them

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