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Thread: !!!Go to Russia!!!

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    !!!Go to Russia!!!

    Hi all friends ,

    I would like to go to Russia.I want to visit my friend.
    She lives in Kurgan.
    I have never been to Russia before.
    I dont know adress information or etc... ( Just know name of city , Kurgan)
    But I will learn in a few days
    I think I would be stay 7-10 days nearly.
    I will not be stay in a hotel.I will be stay with her house.

    So ;

    - What kind of visa should I take ? (turist .....)
    - What can I must do for this visiting ?
    - What can she must do for this visiting ?
    - Approximately , How much does it cost? How much will I spend? $$ ?
    ( expect visa cost , and staying her house)
    - Which airport is the nearist to Kurgan?
    - and anything else that I must know about...........

    Could you tell me some advice this matter?

    thank you all friends

    (bb: forgive me! cause my english's not good to explain it enough)

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Regarding of the visa and the expenses I can't help you. I think what you should know it in Embassy of Turkey in Moscow or on the contrary in the Embassy of Russia in Istanbul. You can get more than the competent answer from them than here.
    Regarding your girl I think that she should send you a invitation letter and copy to Embassy of Russia in Istanbul by fax or e-mail.

    Regarding a method of the travel.
    Since I know. You should buy a air ticket to Moscow (airport Domodedovo) and get a reservation of the race to Cheliabinsk. From Cheliabinsk You can get a train to Kurgan (about 3 hours of the way).
    But You should check my opinion from your girl. I can be mistaken.
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    Please correct me when I'm wrong

  3. #3
    JJ is offline
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    Achilles, there is a direct flight from Istanbul to Yekaterinburg by Turkish Airlines. Kurgan is just 370 km to the east from Yekaterinburg. You can go there by bus or by train.
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  4. #4
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Kurgan is just 370 km to the east from Yekaterinburg.
    Don't forget a compass and a map

    Never mind, just trying to be funny.

    Travelling via Yekaterinburg would be cheaper, I think.

    The type of visa I think depends on the time you're planning to stay there. If you're going for just several days a tourist visa will do.

    dont know adress information or etc... ( Just know name of city , Kurgan)
    But I will learn in a few days
    I think I would be stay 7-10 days nearly.
    I will not be stay in a hotel.I will be stay with her house.

    Memorize several essential phrases in Russian, i.e. how to ask the direction, how to buy a train ticket, and have an EXACT postal address of your gf and her telephone (including area code). Learn dialing rules - once in Russia you should dial 8 (instead of +7) then area code then telephone number.
    Well, the best she can do is to meet you in Yekaterinburg.
    When crossing the passport control be ready to answer the questions like where do you do, what do you plan to do there, where do you plan to live, etc - they would probably be asking you in Russian or in very bad English
    Don't take large amounts of money in cash. Best of all is to have plastic cards (the safest types are Visa or MC - there bound to be at least 1 ATM in Kurgan, but I don't know whether it would accept any other credit card types).
    Don't talk and don't mess with any locals at the airport or the railway station - since you are a foreigner you will be an easy target for all sorts of swindlers.

    It would be good if you know the train schedules before you go. And since air flights can be late - have a "Plan B" just in case you would miss your train. So be prepared to a situation when you would have to wait several hours for the next train. Currency is best exchanged in the city, not at the airport (their rates are extortionate). If there isn't any choice - exchange $50-100 at the airport but it's best to get the cash from ATM.

    Keep your documents and money on yourself (preferrably in inner pockets) and don't sleep in train.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  5. #5
    Увлечённый спикер
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    thanks all of you....

    You mean ; First I must go to Yekaterinburg by plane.
    and then go to Kurgan by bus or train.
    I should carry credit card and use it.I dont keep cash money in my wallet
    I must learn several essential russian phrases.
    I will meet better with her in Yekaterinburg.

    Did I understand correctly what you mean ?

    So , Will she have to send me a invitation letter for visa?
    I think I would be stay 7-10 days in Russia.
    plain tickets , other costs , etc....
    Does is cost nearly 1500 - 2000$ or much ?

    thanks a lot friends.....

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    That is what I wanted to ask -- do you need a visa? If you do need a visa, it will probably take a couple of weeks or a month to get it. If I were coming there from the US, I would need a letter of invitation that I would give to the Russian embassy in order to receive a visa. I am sure there is a certain list of statements that it must contain (for example, "I will provide food and housing for Mr. X for the period 1August - 15 August 2007.)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaika
    That is what I wanted to ask -- do you need a visa? If you do need a visa, it will probably take a couple of weeks or a month to get it. If I were coming there from the US, I would need a letter of invitation that I would give to the Russian embassy in order to receive a visa. I am sure there is a certain list of statements that it must contain (for example, "I will provide food and housing for Mr. X for the period 1August - 15 August 2007.)
    Yes.I need a visa.But I dont think it would be a problem if I have an invitation letter.If I stay in a hotel , I would take the visa easly.But I will stay in a house.So I need an invitation letter.

  8. #8
    JJ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by achilles
    I think I would be stay 7-10 days in Russia.
    plain tickets , other costs , etc....
    Does is cost nearly 1500 - 2000$ or much ?
    I think even 1000 will be enough there, espesially if you don't plan to stay in a hotel and eat in restaurants. The average salary in Kurgan I guess is not more than $400 a month, it's a very poor region... But maybe I'm wrong, you better ask your gf about it.

    BTW Achilles, learn Cyrillic. It tooks a half of an hour but it will be very usefull. There's no signs in latin letters here.
    Quote Originally Posted by achilles
    I should carry credit card and use it.I dont keep cash money in my wallet
    Actually there are not a lot of pick-pockets here. I would not recommend you to keep ALL your money in a credit card or in a wallet. Use both of them.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Quote Originally Posted by achilles
    I think I would be stay 7-10 days in Russia.
    plain tickets , other costs , etc....
    Does is cost nearly 1500 - 2000$ or much ?
    I think even 1000 will be enough there, espesially if you don't plan to stay in a hotel and eat in restaurants. The average salary in Kurgan I guess is not more than $400 a month, it's a very poor region... But maybe I'm wrong, you better ask your gf about it.

    BTW Achilles, learn Cyrillic. It tooks a half of an hour but it will be very usefull. There's no signs in latin letters here.
    Quote Originally Posted by achilles
    I should carry credit card and use it.I dont keep cash money in my wallet
    Actually there are not a lot of pick-pockets here. I would not recommend you to keep ALL your money in a credit card or in a wallet. Use both of them.
    ok I will try to learn some Russian phrases
    so you mean I wont spend money much expect flight and visa.

  10. #10
    JJ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by achilles
    ok I will try to learn some Russian phrases
    Alphabet first. Here are no signs in latin letters. Could you understand a sing like "туалет" in Cyrillic? "Tualet" means "toilet", I guess you could get what it means. Or "милиция" -"militsiya" means "militia" - police.
    so you mean I wont spend money much expect flight and visa.
    The most expesive thing is your flight there.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Quote Originally Posted by achilles
    ok I will try to learn some Russian phrases
    Alphabet first. Here are no signs in latin letters. Could you understand a sing like "туалет" in Cyrillic? "Tualet" means "toilet", I guess you could get what it means. Or "милиция" -"militsiya" means "militia" - police.
    so you mean I wont spend money much expect flight and visa.
    The most expesive thing is your flight there.
    Yes.You right.I need to know these essential phrases.
    thank you for your help JJ

  12. #12
    Властелин charlestonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by achilles
    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Quote Originally Posted by achilles
    ok I will try to learn some Russian phrases
    Alphabet first. Here are no signs in latin letters. Could you understand a sing like "туалет" in Cyrillic? "Tualet" means "toilet", I guess you could get what it means. Or "милиция" -"militsiya" means "militia" - police.
    so you mean I wont spend money much expect flight and visa.
    The most expesive thing is your flight there.
    Yes.You right.I need to know these essential phrases.
    thank you for your help JJ
    Don't go. It is cheaper to find another girl!
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  13. #13
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlestonian
    Don't go. It is cheaper to find another girl!
    Hey man, what can you possibly know about a true love.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Quote Originally Posted by charlestonian
    Don't go. It is cheaper to find another girl!
    Hey man, what can you possibly know about a true love.
    Thanks Ramil your thought...
    I have been in this forum for 1 year , if I am a Turk.
    I love the Russian girl.
    Maybe, She already hasn't reailized abouy my love.
    But I still love her.
    I couldnt explain her about my love.
    I cant do anything.maybe She is right.
    I dont know russian language.I cant reach her sometimes.
    I have tried everway that I explain something.
    I couldnt achieved since today.
    I hope I will be able to do something for her one day.

    Thanks all friend for your helps.......

  15. #15
    DDT is offline
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    Hmmm.....a wee bit weird, don't you think? You mean she doesn't know you are coming and she doesn't really like you?
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Hmmm.....a wee bit weird, don't you think? You mean she doesn't know you are coming and she doesn't really like you?
    Of course she likes me.
    She doesnt know about my visit right now.
    I just want to make a surprise her.
    But I think it cant be possible.
    So she will be realized in a few days.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by achilles
    She doesnt know about my visit right now.
    I just want to make a surprise her.
    But I think it cant be possible.
    So she will be realized in a few days.
    achilles what happened? Did you meet the Russian girl? I hope it did not end sad

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