hey, so, i'm 22 and an american. my girlfriend's lived in russia all her life, and w ejust met this summer in ocean city, maryland. anyways, I'm going to be staying with her over the holiday, i'll be there for new years and christmas on jan 7th. she lives with her parents who are generous enough to let me stay in their house, and i was wondering if there was any sort of, i don't know, "gift" maybe or something like that i could do for them or give to them that was customary or would be proper, or atleast not offensive. I haven't the slightest idea where to start, and I don't want to ask my gf, i want it to be a surprise. oh, and i don't speak any russian except a few phrases and priviet, and her parents don't speak any english. she, however, speaks almost perfect (most of the time better than my own) english. any suggestions?