Quote Originally Posted by impulse View Post
Thanks for your answer....In this part of the correction "Читаю, смотрю русский канал по телевизору, пишу текст на русском языке (как тот, что вы сейчас читаете), и так далее." you used the declined forms of the verbs. And I used the infinitive forms because I wanted to give the meaning like "to read, to watch russian canal on television, and so on" and wrote "прочитать слова, смотреть русский канал по телевизару, писать текст на русском языке " It is not possible?

And It seems like I mix the usage of чтобы and то, что. What are the things that I must consider about their usaga?
Yes, you can say " [Пытаюсь] читать, смотреть, писать... It is the same as "I try to learn by reading, watching, writing..." vs "I try to learn by trying to read, to watch, to write..." I just preferred the first variant, it seems more logical to me.

...you already got good explanations.