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Thread: Help! Boyfriend Speaks Russian... I Don't! :P

  1. #1
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    Help! Boyfriend Speaks Russian... I Don't! :P

    As the title of this topic suggests, my boyfriend speaks russian and I don't. I should state tho, to clear up any confusion, that he does speak english, but he isn't exactly "fluent". There is nothing I want more right now than to learn russian so that I can talk with him more easily... but I can't seem to retain anything that I learn and where I am there doesn't seem to be any courses offered to learn russian.

    I have a russian phrase book that I bought (that actualy is far easier to understand and is far more usefull than any russian-english dictionary I've seen) that is kind of helping... but like I said... I'm having great difficulty retaining anything that I've read so far. This site helps too with the sound files on pronunciation and everything, but I need something more extensive to build on.

    I'm also really shy when it comes to speaking about what I've learned so far infront of him and his friends. Which is why, before anyone suggests it, that I haven't really asked for his help or that of his friends. I'm afraid of saying/pronouncing things wrong or sounding like the dumb canadian that I am. Heh. I suppose my biggest problem is my confidence in speaking russian out loud to him or his friends. I think that perhaps this will be my first step to overcome in my quest to learn russian. So if anyone can suggest any tips to boost my confidence in speaking russian out loud I would be eternaly greatfull!

    So in closing, I am learning russian for love. I love him very much. Being with him, for me, is like breathing. I would do anything to be closer to him. The moment I met him I wanted to learn just so I could speak with him. If this sounds silly to any of you, I appologize. But what I speak of comes from the deapths of my heart and I am in need of any help that can be offered. Thanx to whom ever sat through my rant! :P
    Being in love, for me, is like breathing!

  2. #2
    DDT is offline
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  3. #3
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    its going to be a lot easier for him to learn english than it is going to be for u to learn russian.

    but if you REALLY wanna, you can... i mean, i did!
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  4. #4
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    I'm in a similar situation...except it's my girlfriend who is my russian...and being with her made me really want to learn. So shortly after I met her I told her that I wanted to learn and she said okay. She's nearly fluent in English though, so that's a big help. But what I did was just start small. I went to her and said, "Look what I learned" and I wrote out the Russian alphabet. She was impressed.

    So, my suggestion, start with small things and get your boyfriend used to the idea of you using/learning russian, and he'll probably be more than happy to help you. If you just start learning and then you find that you know a lot and then you start speaking it to him, then I think he would think that it was very strange. I mean, I would, if I were dating someone who didn't speak english and then all of a sudden one day they started speaking english to me, i would say, "when did you learn that?" and "why didn't you let me help you?"

    and as far as remembering's what I do. I make flashcards. First I make one, then I try my best to remember. Then when I make the second one, I look at it and try to remember then I go back to the first and see if I remember. Then I make the third, try to remember, then go back to the 1st and 2nd ones, and see if I still remember. What I've found is that the time it takes between writing flashcards is just about the longest that I word can stay in my memory, so by the time I finish the 2nd and go back to the 1st it's been just long enough so that I didn't forget it, and then when i try to remember it it brings it back to me, so that the time that i'm able to remember it is a little longer, so that I'm able to retain it until I write the 3rd one, and remember the 2nd one... At least this has worked for me...

    Good luck!
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  5. #5
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    yep, definately it is easier for him to learn English, but really would help a lot if you speak Russian. I had a long relationship with an American, and sometimes I really really got so tired of English, that I could not ineract at all. English at work, English at home, I just wanted to speak Russian. And then, going to parties with Russian friends she was quite isolated.

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    Thanx A Bunch!

    Bol'shoye spasiba! I feel a little better now about the whole idea of learning russian after hearing from you guys. I still have to work on my confidence in speaking russian out loud, but I think I'll get there! Your suggestions were very helpfull. Although, DDT, I think I'll keep yours on the back burner for a bit! Lol! But of course I will still hang out here as much as possible!

    Flashcards? Hmmmm. That does sound like something that would really help. I usualy have an easier time remembering something if I have material to read from handy. And as for the russian alphabet, I really should start learning that first as well. I have really only just been learning for a couple of weeks now, so I wasn't even sure where to begin. The flashcards and the alphabet seem a better place to start then tying to memorise a whole russian phrasebook! What would I have done without you guys! Lol! Vsevo kharosheva!

    P.S: I know this may sound cheesey, but can anyone tell me how to say a certain phrase in russian? The phrase is "Being with you, for me, is like breathing." It would be a big help if anyone could help me out! You guys have done enough for me already, but please permit me this one last favor!
    Being in love, for me, is like breathing!

  7. #7
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    Быть с тобой, для меня как дышать
    Being with you, for me, is like breathing

    but it is better to say
    Ты нужен мне как воздух
    Ty nuzhen mne kak vozdukh
    I need you as much as air (to breath).

  8. #8
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    I'd throw a рядом in there with с тобой, it sounds closer (Proximity wise).
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogboy182
    I'd throw a рядом in there with с тобой, it sounds closer (Proximity wise).
    "вместе с тобой" would be better.

    second thought - no, both are ok, but I would advice using my phrase, which is not direct translation.

  10. #10
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    Re: Help! Boyfriend Speaks Russian... I Don't! :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Eva
    As the title of this topic suggests, my boyfriend speaks russian and I don't. I should state tho, to clear up any confusion, that he does speak english, but he isn't exactly "fluent". There is nothing I want more right now than to learn russian so that I can talk with him more easily... but I can't seem to retain anything that I learn and where I am there doesn't seem to be any courses offered to learn russian.

    I have a russian phrase book that I bought (that actualy is far easier to understand and is far more usefull than any russian-english dictionary I've seen) that is kind of helping... but like I said... I'm having great difficulty retaining anything that I've read so far. This site helps too with the sound files on pronunciation and everything, but I need something more extensive to build on.

    I'm also really shy when it comes to speaking about what I've learned so far infront of him and his friends. Which is why, before anyone suggests it, that I haven't really asked for his help or that of his friends. I'm afraid of saying/pronouncing things wrong or sounding like the dumb canadian that I am. Heh. I suppose my biggest problem is my confidence in speaking russian out loud to him or his friends. I think that perhaps this will be my first step to overcome in my quest to learn russian. So if anyone can suggest any tips to boost my confidence in speaking russian out loud I would be eternaly greatfull!

    So in closing, I am learning russian for love. I love him very much. Being with him, for me, is like breathing. I would do anything to be closer to him. The moment I met him I wanted to learn just so I could speak with him. If this sounds silly to any of you, I appologize. But what I speak of comes from the deapths of my heart and I am in need of any help that can be offered. Thanx to whom ever sat through my rant! :P

    Awwwwwww... Eva is in love!!... :P ... I feel the same way about Maria Sharapova... :P

  11. #11
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    Re: Help! Boyfriend Speaks Russian... I Don't! :P

    Quote Originally Posted by siberiangoddess

    Awwwwwww... Eva is in love!!... :P ... I feel the same way about Maria Sharapova... :P
    Umm, I think hers is love, yours is stalking!
    "Alright, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me, so let's just figure this out and I'll get back to killing you with beer."

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    Re: Help! Boyfriend Speaks Russian... I Don't! :P

    Quote Originally Posted by fantom605
    Quote Originally Posted by siberiangoddess

    Awwwwwww... Eva is in love!!... :P ... I feel the same way about Maria Sharapova... :P
    Umm, I think hers is love, yours is stalking!
    Lol! Thanx! And yes it is love!

    I actualy came on because I had a stupid question (I'm usualy allowed one a day... so here it is... heh). I was wondering if anyone can tell me what a (hope I'm putting this down right) "bobnik" is. My boyfried mentioned this word lastnight but said he didn't know what the english equivelent was. So... yeah. What is "bobnik"?

    p.s: I know this might be a bad word... but you guys have been so helpfull to me so far and this would help me out.
    Being in love, for me, is like breathing!

  14. #14
    N is offline
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    Re: Help! Boyfriend Speaks Russian... I Don't! :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Eva
    What is "bobnik"?
    Бабник - womanizer

  15. #15
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    I'll have to let him know. Thanx alot for your help.
    Being in love, for me, is like breathing!

  16. #16
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    бабник is pimp in english.

    баб women, ник guy.

    womanguy - Pimp.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  17. #17
    JJ is offline
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    I thought that pimp means сутенёр.
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  18. #18
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    lol! Well i suppose it could be.

    A pimp is basically any guy who gets tons of chicks and has sex with them, or uses them for other things, But the name of a guy who owns prostitutes is also 'pimp'. It started with this meaning, and then became more widely used, with much help from rap / hip hop im sure.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  19. #19
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    The only thing I know about pimpin' is that Big Daddy Kane thinks it ain't easy. I don't think he was putting in enough effort.
    "Alright, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me, so let's just figure this out and I'll get back to killing you with beer."

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogboy182
    бабник is pimp in english.

    баб women, ник guy.

    womanguy - Pimp.
    I think N is right and womenizer is a better word for that. Бабник does not use all women, he just cannot control himself and "follows each skirt he sees". It is quite common that those women use him more then he them.

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