Does this help?

If number ends in 1 (except for 11) then

No change to the word (дом)
Goto Done

If number ends in 2, 3 or 4 (except for 12, 13, 14) then

Noun is in Genitive Singular (дома)
Goto Done

If number ends all other numbers

Noun is in Genitive Plural (домов)
Goto Done


If it helps we can fill in more details.


Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
Oh Robin, this is TRULY insane.
I have read your post five times and I still don't understand it.
Advanced mathematics is simpler for goodness sake.
I honestly don't think I can ever learn this.

It seems like it was complete chance that I got the дом right in my example. It was not because I had understood it right anyway. And someone was mentioning other language skills, well the truth is, my Spanish and French are really bad - and the grammar is a lot simpler for these languages. I can not have serious conversations. I don't count that as languages I really speak. And German, I won't even mention that, it's strictly pidgin style. Basically I am not very good at languages.

I managed to learn English without knowing any grammatical terms and I have reluctantly learnt the basics of grammatical terms, just to study Russian. But this is just too hard.

Virtually any programming language for example, is a breeze compared with Russian.

I used Дома because I thought it was nominative plural!!!
apparently by complete chance, it is the same word in genitive singular (que???)