I'm interested in finding different ideas for broadening your vocab.

How many words per day do you take on? Of course it depends on your memorization ability, but is there somewhat of a consensus? I've been told to tackle two words a day. My point being, should you stick with just a couple of words at a time so that they become memorized, or should you go for a bit more at a time, 5-10 or so, so that they just become familiar and over time memorized?

What techniques do you use? Flash cards, associations with pictures, associations with common words in your native language, common groups of words at a time, etc...

Sorry for these broad questions. I've never studied a language before, plus I've been out of school for a few years, so i don't really have any technique that i remember. I'm sure that you who have studied one or more languages have some pretty reliable techniques that worked for you that I might be able to try out to see what works best for myself.. ..

I would just like help from those who like to give it Thanks..
