Hi, I'm starting Russian! Yay.
Anyway, the point of this post is that I'm doing Pimsleur Russian and I'm trying to create a vocab list as I go so that I'll actually learn how to read as well as speak. I'm running into some difficulties finding translations on the net though. Online translators are crap, but we all know that.
Here is what I'd like for you to translate for me, please:
-red square
-Daniet(just need to know how to spell it in Russian, and if you could suggest a translation that'd be spiffy too^^)
-to eat (the translators give me есть but i swear in Pimsleur it sounds like "payest")
-at my place (oomeenya)
-at your place (oovas)
-now (seechass)
-maybe later (moijetbuits poja)
-pushkin street (spelling it english like as best i can)
-tuverskia street (same as above)
-with pleasure (sudavolstvin)
-to have lunch (pa abeelits)
-Pronin (proper name)
-what (schto, i know, i can't believe i couldn't find this one on my own)
-two (the translator says you spell dvoi as 2 in russian, thats helpful^^)
-with whom (Вместе svami)
Thanks guys.