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Thread: upper intermediate student... considering pimsleur...

  1. #1
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    upper intermediate student... considering pimsleur...

    Ive hit a bit of a plateau with my language learning at the moment...

    since i decided to start learning russian... (about 11 months ago now...) i really threw myself into it...

    I spend AT LEAST 1 hour a day studying from books, night courses once a week, listen to russian radio ALL DAY at work, watch russian movies at least once every couple days aaaand... every evening for at least two hours i speak to russian friends on messenger using... only russian...

    the progress... (for only having studied for 11 months) has been really really good! my level at the moment is 'upper intermediate' ...

    i feel quite confident when it comes to writting / reading / understanding spoken russian...

    but when it comes to speaking.... hrmmmmmmm....
    I can do it fine and class.... but whenever i go to russia to see my friends i always feel scared to talk. they compliment me on my accent when i do... but i lack the intense practice that i have with all the other aspects of the language...

    i keep hearing all these good reports on pimsleur as a 'listen and then repeat' type thing...

    those who have used it... do you think someone like myself would benefit?
    and is it really necessary to start with level 1 if you allready have a solid understanding of the language?

    does anyone have any other recomendations for more advanced audio course type thing?

    (soooo bored of books at the moment!)


  2. #2
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    Re: upper intermediate student... considering pimsleur...

    Quote Originally Posted by tendu
    ...(soooo bored of books at the moment!) ...
    Зато никогда не соскучишься ИМО, слушая (и повторяя) разные песни.
    Например, эти:
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I'm just a beginner, so don't listen to me. But I have heard that the best way to practice speaking (other than actually talking to a Russian) is to read aloud. You could read books, newspapers, magazines, or anything. But I would probably go with modern magazines, but not news magazines. They are probably more likely to write in more "conversational" style.

    As for Pimsleur, I think it's probably way too elementary for you. You'd be bored to tears, I think

    Somebody else could probably comment better, but this is just what I have heard. It certainly can't hurt!

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Platinum
    I'm just a beginner, so don't listen to me. But I have heard that the best way to practice speaking (other than actually talking to a Russian) is to read aloud. You could read books, newspapers, magazines, or anything. But I would probably go with modern magazines, but not news magazines. They are probably more likely to write in more "conversational" style.

    As for Pimsleur, I think it's probably way too elementary for you. You'd be bored to tears, I think

    Somebody else could probably comment better, but this is just what I have heard. It certainly can't hurt!
    rosetta stone... its so bad its entertaining!
    Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....

    Da vero, sono Italiano!

  5. #5
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    OK, if you have been learning Russian for only 11 months you are no way upper intermediate. I've been learning Russian for about 4 years, have almost finished an undergrad degree in Russian, have spent over a year in Russia, and I'd only just say I am at the "advanced" stage.
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  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    OK, if you have been learning Russian for only 11 months you are no way upper intermediate. I've been learning Russian for about 4 years, have almost finished an undergrad degree in Russian, have spent over a year in Russia, and I'd only just say I am at the "advanced" stage.
    maybe you just are naturally bad at languages, and he has a nack for it?
    Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....

    Da vero, sono Italiano!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    OK, if you have been learning Russian for only 11 months you are no way upper intermediate. I've been learning Russian for about 4 years, have almost finished an undergrad degree in Russian, have spent over a year in Russia, and I'd only just say I am at the "advanced" stage.
    maybe you just are naturally bad at languages, and he has a nack for it?
    No, I am very good at languages. Russian is a hard language to learn it takes a lot of time.

    Upper intermediate is one step lower than Advanced. Are we supposed to believe this person is near fluent in Russian after learning it without a teacher for about an hour a day?

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    I'd only just say I am at the "advanced" stage
    А есть уровни выше?
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaya
    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    I'd only just say I am at the "advanced" stage
    А есть уровни выше?
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
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  10. #10
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    Just one?)
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaya
    Just one?)
    Well you can sub divide stuff, like upper-intermediate, lower-intermediate, lower-advanced, upper-advanced, and such.

    If you are talking about learning languages, once you get to fluent that's the highest level. Obviously among native (fluent) speakers there are those who know the language more, like language experts; but we're just talking about learners.
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tendu
    my level at the moment is 'upper intermediate' ...
    Так это... давай общаться! Раз ты Upper Intermediate, то писать/печатать по-русски умеешь, так ведь?

    Насчёт произношения. Может, это тебе поможет? ... 575#163575

    Some people on this forum used it, post here the records and we gave them some advice on improvement of their pronunciation.
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