
I participate in a maths forum which has a number of Russian and Ukrainian members and always feel некультурный by not being able to respond in Russian. And, of course, I'm missing out on the wealth of technical information available in русски язык.

I started to attempt to learn Russian as a 'New Year Resolution' and, amazingly, I'm still trying.

However, and the reason I never tried before, is that I have no 'ear' for the Russian Language. I find it very difficult to actually pick out the syllables or even identify word boundaries. Listening repeatedly to the One Minute Russian and Russian Survival Phrases has improved this a little bit, but Я очень плохо говорю по-русски and there are still phrases where I have to admit that Я не понимаю

Somebody suggested that I listen to the BBC podcast Utro na BBC. Although most of it still sounds like rapid-fire noise (Простите), I am beginning to pick out the occasional word. But the thought occured to me that if I'm going to listen to Russian I might be better off listening to material that has a high scientific or mathematical content, so as to become familiar with the pronunciation of the technical vocabulary.

Can anybody please recommend any websites that offer podcasts or mp3 audio downloads that have a scientific / mathematical / engineering bias? (I do most of my listening in the car on the way to and back from work).
