russian can be very difficult at times, but it has helped me to find other silly things, you can't really explain about your own language when u dont understand somthing in russian. for example, when i first learned that to make things plural u use a и... and i was like well thats dumb, because two cases and in и, then i found out that somtimes they end in A i was like wow this language sucks, how the hell can you tell. then it was like, i guess noun plurals have their own endings, and well in english things don't always end in S. either
although people can be singulur or plural you can say "he is just one of those people that always thinks he is right" another thing i thought was retarted was when people were like "the accusative of он is его" i was like wow this language sucks, why doesn't it just have 1, like english, then i relized, accusative just mean "he-him she-her I-me" and english has this to, as you can see, and english even has a genitive. "his, and hers" there are many things like this, that, if you just take the time to relate to other things, you will find it makes learning alot easyer, and alot more enjoyable, and you even learn things about your own language too.