I have asked about Rosetta Stone before, and I have gotten very mixed opinions. I bought Levels 1 and 2, and I love it. Granted, I am still very early in the lessons, but I think it's a fantastic way to learn. Especially for somebody like me who does not like grammar lessons. (I don't even know English grammar, and it's my first language). I have also talked here about learning grammar. I know it's a necessary evil, but if I can postpone it, I will.

Anyway, my question is this: Does anybody have any experience with Version 3 of Rosetta Stone. I have Version 2, but since I bought it less than 6 months ago I can exchange it for the new Version 3. They supposedly re-vamped the format and totally changed the order of the vocabulary. But has anybody tried it? Like I said...I really like Rosetta Stone, but I'm trying to decide which version to use. Any comments would be appreciated.