If you want a decent online learning source, go to www.russnet.org , sign up for free, and start the Business Russian course.

If you use any sort of textbook, I highly recommend writing as much as you can. Get yourself a notebook, copy out all the examples, write out the answers to the exercises, practice writing your cyrillic letters--that probably should have come first .

Memorizing is important. It will probably come easier with an audio source of some kind. I find it nearly impossible to memorize words printed on a page. From another thread here I decided to pick up the Vocabulearn Audio tapes. They are terrific, and I got them for $5 plus shipping on half.com. Costs a little more if you need them on CD. They are strictly vocabulary (no grammar at all), but they do help with listening and speaking practice.

The more different angles you approach it from, the better you will learn. Once you decide you are interested in learning, you'll start to notice lots of opportunities to work on it.