I am beginning the Russian language and would like some input from those who have the time.

My goal is to become as fluent as possible in speech. The materials I own at this time are (Rosetta Stone software, Pimsleur levels 1-3, Penguin's Russian Course book, TTS translation software, and luckily, a family of Russians who hasn't yet forgotten everything since they left Russia.)

My question is this. Can any of you recommend somewhat of a lesson plan or outline for studying the language? Something that might have worked for you.

ex. First Alphabet, then Vocab, then Verbs, Cases, and so on.... Should I have a vocab of at least 150 words before I begin, or should I learn the vocab as I go on, etc....

I seem to get stuck (obviously going to happen), in certain places, like cases, so there might be someone out there with an outline that has made it easier for them, something that i could follow that by the time i get to cases, it will be easier to understand.. Of course I know that dedication is the key, and now I'm asking for a little direction if possible....

If it matters, my primary language is English..

Any help is much appreciated.. thank you..
