Hello: I know you all have heard this question a million times, but I am looking for the most efficient way to learn to speak Russian. My motivation is this. We have always followed the situation and fate of Russian orphans and how difficult their lives can be. We spent our savings to adopt two children already and are saving for another now. Unfortunately it is extremely expensive. We also want to spend our free time and resources to help these children in any way we can. I would someday like to teach my children Russian. I would also like to learn to speak Russian to be able to travel there and interact and help the orphanages in several ways.

I have started with Pimsleur 1 and am about to start lesson 5. I have found it extremely helpful. I plan to complete all 3 courses

I just ordered the new Penguin course ro written material
Is there anything else I should be doing?

Am I taking the correct tack? Are there any other methods I should be using? Do I need to learn to read and write Russian? Anthing else I should know for self study. Unfortunately I do not know any Russian speaking people. I am motivated and tend to work hard on something once I start it. I just want to spend my efforts working on the correct things.