
My name is Jonathan, and I recently decided I am going to try to learn Russian. Actually, I decided this about two years ago, and got a book to try and learn (Living Language methinks), but I started it ang got scared away by terms I didn't understand involving grammer. I then tried to learn Chinese, but I soon realized that I couldn't progress very well with no one to practise with and being illiterate. A few days ago I decided I would volenteer for a Jewish immigration service which lead to my decision to try Russian again. I'm hoping I'll have some people to practise with. I actually think I'm doing quite well so far. I can already understand some of the posts in Russian here. Granted, I can only get the gist of it, but I'm happy with my progress since a few days ago. The grammar isn't so bad now that I know the terms a little better.

Now, to the point of my long-winded little introduction up there: Like I said, the grammar hasn't been a terrible problem so far, and I can read pretty well I think. My main issue is that I can't hear the difference between hard and soft consonents and vowels. On the internet there are many examples, and I can always hear there's something different but it always changes and I can't imitate it. Another sound that I have trouble with is ы. It's the same thing. All the examples I hear sound slightly different to me, and sometimes when I hear it in a word it'll just sound like "Wiy", but a little less so. Will the ability to hear these kinds of nuances come with time, or am I a hopeless case?

My last problem isn't as serious, it's just really annoying. I can't do a rolling "r". All I can do is kind of flap my toungue. Is this a very serious impediment? Do you think I might eventually be able to learn how to do it, or should I just give that up?

Thanks very much!

Woah, I just read that through. I talk way too much...