Здравствуйте, узнаю по Русский язык. Я в год 1. необходимо для меня продолжать. Люблю Росский; Я хочу помощь; Нет я нужно вы помогаете.
(I know it sounds droned out but bleh, Я сошел с ума. My teacher was a great teacher. In my first year ive learned the basics of each case, past tense; VOM's though not well enough. Perfective and imperfect though i have trouble with verb catagories, (he broke them down into 1-5(a/b) though I know in Russian there are only A and B) Conjugations on a lot of cases I have to memorize though that really isnt a challange currently though learning on my own during summer season is. so out of curiousity is anyone willing to help me learn russian better?