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Thread: Handwriting in Russian

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Handwriting in Russian

    Does anyone know of places where I can get worksheets that are used in Russian school for children to practice their cursive writing? Sometime last year I had come across a website where somebody scanned such a worksheet into image files, and I had downloaded these (rather laboriously, since this site used lots of popups and redirects). Now I cannot locate this directory on my PC (although I think it may be somewhere on this laptop, but right now I don't have time to go poking around and probably won't have time to do so in the near future).

    I checked around on Victor Kamkin's website and did find this worksheet "Uchus Pisat Po-Russki by E. K. Sokolova" which I ordered and I xerox the pages to use as worksheets for myself.

    Also, I came across this website -, that has five russian cursive fonts (two with rules) that can be used on both PCs and Macs. I ordered the homeschooling cd and it should arrive by end of next week.

    Does anyone have other resources that could be useful? (Yes, I have Beginner's Script, which could be a lot better)
    a.k.a. Nina Karlovna (my church name; patron saint is St. Nino of Georgia)

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    What you need is called пропись ( pl прописи ), you can buy them for example here ( they ship from NY ):

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Look here for Дидактика-- ... eA&show=10

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