To be honest i dont really have a "native language" ounless you count just being from a perticuler country.Spoke dutch first 11 or so years of my life,litle bit of bangla/bengali with pasing relatives and my dad and my mom (forcfully)taught me some english.

Yadering aside, I for one found english to be a fairly hard language to learn.True it's easy to get an emergency message acros but all the little tid-bits can be rather confusing(or maybe it's just me).on german though, I can speak dutch(though VERY rusty at the moment) and learned german seperatly.Sounds similer and you can get the gist of whats being said but it's got it's diffuculties from this perspective(again could be just me lol).

BTW, learned some hindi recently and all(to my knowledge) indian/sub-continet region languages have 3 forms of addressing.One for sub-ordinates/close friends, one for normal occasions and one formaly(though generly the formal is used with strangers allways, but thats just amnners and opinion).

I can only speak for bengali(litrey, cant read or get the numbers down well yet). but you can see the evolution quite clearly.In bangladesh it's somewhat like amarican english and british english.Has some arabic and now quite a few english words and the grammer system is much simpler.Technically we all speak incorectly but it's the norm now outide of formal documents.