i am an american, english is my mother tounge of course, i would have to say the trick to learning to speak everyday english is informality, unless we americans are doing business we pretty much don't use any formalities. we are lazy speakers, that's why we have slang, we're lazy people when it comes to language, or at least most of us are. There aren't very many gendered words besides him, his, her, she, stuff like that, we usually don't differenciate between male and female with most of our words. English is a pretty straight forward lang., all the words go in order example: i don't speak french(easy,all words follow eachother) now in french: je ne parle pas francais( more difficult than english because the 'ne' and the 'pas' change parle/speak into a negative. And a lot of laguages are like that, i think english is quite simple, the laziest people in the world speak it...