And, i'd also like to expand on what texas mark said... Unless you have studied german (which most people havn't) or an ancient language (which most people havn't) which enables you to easily decode roots of words.. YOU CANT JUST UNDERSTAND GERMAN. you can however, understand ukrainian.

Omg for example last night, i know this doesn't prove anything... But a ukrainian friend (2 of them actualyl) came by last night and talked ALL in ukrainian. I understood like 96.547 % of it. Everything he told me from drinking on the sidewalk and the cops came and he said "these bottles arn't mine" and the cops candcuffed him, took his cigarrettes, and then let him go. Plus, he wanted me to watch Бумер, i told him i have it and i have already seen it 5 times. Then he said "Man i speak ukrainian all day, it's wierd to hear a russian accent!"

I no this doesn't prove anything ... but im saying that, and for the last time.

A russian who has know knowledge of ukrainian (or most others slavic langauge) can just go on understanding, without formal much effort.

English V German, or flemmish, or netherlands(langueg name? ? dutch?) on the other hand. Hah, good luck! Even look at swedish. the basics are close to germanic languages, but one from scotland cant just go to sweden and buy a car. It's not possible like it is with slavic language.

That's it, im done !