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Thread: All beginners should read this...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    All beginners should read this...

    Here are two links (a small article and a critique) that are, imo, of great value to all beginner students of any language -- especially for people who have not yet studied _any_ foreign language formally. I've seen several posts by people who apparently do not realize the limitations of the dictionaries/online translators and the differences in grammar between different languages. Maybe this could help some people sort these things out:

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Not bad, not bad indeed! Not only for beginners, but some advanced learners need a refresher of what a "language" really means
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    This is an excellent resource. Thanks for posting it!

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин capecoddah's Avatar
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    A good pair of essays. I've bookmarked them and printed page 1 from the first essay. A good reminder about the difference between "real learnin" and "book learnin".
    I'm easily amused late at night...

  5. #5
    Почётный участник
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    Not bad at all. But there's a time of day where I think a lot about how to study a language, and I sort have figured out that associating sounds with a pictural imagine in my head works best for me instead of translating. But sometimes I need to translate something if I learn a word one way and it's being used another way. For example:

    Я уехал от России с моими друзьями.
    Я переводил с английского русскому(Not sure how to say "Into russian in this context)

    But also, I've found myself with the habit of translating something into my target language to get a feel for it and forgetting it. Or I don't know how to say something in russian, so I translate literally or take a random stab at it. For example:

    Я поеду в москву В НЕДЕЛЕ instead of Через Неделю
    Переводить с английского русскому (Или в русский)

    In both I was inclined to translate literally because I either A. Just learned it and forgot it, or B. Don't know how russians would say it in the first place. Does anyone have any suggestions of what to do when I'm in this position?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
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    thanx so much for this info. ! it is so nice and great
    thanx again

  7. #7
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orpheus
    Not bad at all. But there's a time of day where I think a lot about how to study a language, and I sort have figured out that associating sounds with a pictural imagine in my head works best for me instead of translating. But sometimes I need to translate something if I learn a word one way and it's being used another way. For example:

    Я уехал из России с моими друзьями.
    Я переводил с английского на русский(Not sure how to say "Into russian in this context)

    But also, I've found myself with the habit of translating something into my target language to get a feel for it and forgetting it. Or I don't know how to say something in russian, so I translate literally or take a random stab at it. For example:

    Я поеду в москву В НЕДЕЛЕ instead of Через Неделю
    Переводить с английского на русский (Или в русский)

    In both I was inclined to translate literally because I either A. Just learned it and forgot it, or B. Don't know how russians would say it in the first place. Does anyone have any suggestions of what to do when I'm in this position?

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