Я наверное чего-то не понимаю. Я в своем профиле изменила настройку - чтобы уведомления об ответах не приходили на e-mail. Теперь там стоит Нет, а уведомления все равно приходят! Много писем каждый день Что неправильно?
Я наверное чего-то не понимаю. Я в своем профиле изменила настройку - чтобы уведомления об ответах не приходили на e-mail. Теперь там стоит Нет, а уведомления все равно приходят! Много писем каждый день Что неправильно?
Do you mean notifications about private messages? Because they are on now. Otherwise, it measn that you're watching a topic and you should click a link in the mail to unwatch it.
~ Мастерадминов Мастерадмин Мастерадминович ~
Вот что я имею в виду:
Always notify me of replies:
Sends an email when someone replies to a topic you have posted in. This can be changed whenever you post
Можно сделать так, чтобы на email не приходили уведомления о каждом ответе?
Well, which replies in particular do you want? I don't think it is possible to filter them based on username or anything.
Well, tell me please: do you also receive dozens of messages to your email address every day called "Topic Reply Notification - ..."? If so then - poor Dogboy!
No, I do not receive any. In my profile I have it selected not to send me notifications of replies. Are you saying it sends them to you even though your profile is set not to? If so, I can fix this for you. And I am not Dogboy
PS: Hm, you're right. In the database it is set so that you shouldn't receive them. It must be a bug in phpBB. I will have a look.
PPS: You're also watching three topics. Are you sure this is not where the emails are coming from? The topics are 641, 651 and 661.
Do they look familiar?
In fact I get notifications about EVERY topics I've ever replied to. But thank you for the links - I haven't seen these posts.
I don't know where the bug in the software is. I didn't see anything that would be causing this so I guess it will have to wait until phpBB themselves patch the forum. For the time being the only solutions I can think of are to change the email address for your account to something nonexistant like sldkfj@lkjdfsd.wekrl or to simply ask Alex to delete your account and create a new one. If you choose the former then it's not such a big problem anyway, as your address is not publicly visible and if we need to notify you about something on this site I can always just copy the address down into a text file somewhere.
if you just change your email address then it won't work because phpbb will send an activation email and won't make the change until it is activated.
If you edit the sql table with the user setting that would allso work, but I found this hard.
I hate Signatures
Well, according to the database she is set to NOT receive notifications, so I don't know why it would be sending them.
And it wouldn't be that hard. I don't remember offhand the exact table names or anything but it'd just be like
update phpbb_users set user_notify = 0 where username = "marina";
Unfortunately, it is already set to 0.
I asume you've tried setting it to 1 and then waiting.
I hate Signatures
No. I really would have no idea if anything was working anyway, as marina replies to this topic like once every 24 hours. I'd have no idea if and when it stopped.
Thank you
I think the best way to solve the problem is not to post replies anymore
Well, I reset all of the ones that you had on the watch topic list, so I don't know why it would still be sending them.
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