Oh dear

Oh and for the edification of the Russians using this forum:

Q. What is grey and gives off light?
A. An electric elephant.

Q. How does an elephant get into a tree?
A. He clambers onto an acorn and waits for it to grow.

Q. How does and elephant get out of that oak tree?
A. It gets onto a leaf and waits for autumn.

Q. What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence.
A. Time to buy a new fence.

Q. How can you tell an elephant has been in your fridge?
A. You can see its footprints in the butter.

Q. How do you fit five elephants in a lada?
A. Two in front and three in the back.

Q. What did the grape say when the elephant stood on it?
A. Nothing, it just let out a little whine.

Q. Why do elephants wear dark glasses?
A. If so many jokes were told about you, would you like to be recognised?