Quote Originally Posted by Russofeel
а что в русском психологии, на Ваш взгляд, иного, чем у Вас (если не секрет, кто вы?)

и чем чёрный юмор от лимериков отличается?
there was a young lady from Thrace
whose corset no longer would lace
her mother said: "Nelly,
there's more in your belly
than ever went in through your face


there once was a pious young priest
who lived almost wholy on yeast
for he said: "It is plain
we must all rise again
And I want to get started at least"


мне мама выколола глазки,
чтоб я в шкафу варенье не нашел.
теперь не вижу я, и не читаю сказки.
зато я нюхаю и слышу хорошо......

But before maybe before we get into a heated discussion, lets agree on our definitions. What in fact is black humour.... I am not quite sure myself.

ps Не секрет...я бельгийка.