It is Ukrainian
ця = эта
вже = уже
нахабна = наглая
It is Ukrainian
ця = эта
вже = уже
нахабна = наглая
Please correct my English
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Wow! It took me a while to figure out that the -кк- in "овнаккенное" is supposed to be a -ж-.
How would you actually say "No topless bathing" in Russian? I know that Купаться запрещено can mean "No swimming," but I'm not sure about the "topless" part. Would "с обнаженными грудями" work?
P.S. The next time someone posts...
...I swear I'm going to answer "Никакое овнаккенное допояса кчпание".Could someone please translate "Kill 'Em All And Let God Sort 'Em Out" into Russian for me so that I can get it tattooed on my back with a big flaming skull??? K THX BAI
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
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